Title: The 10 Myths of Matsumoto Jun Rating: G to PG-13 Pairings: Jun-centric (Some Aibajun and Matsumiya) Genre: Fluff Disclaimer: Johnny's owns my wallet, my life and Arashi. Beta: The awesome
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I think we've all got some dork in us, after all, we're all nuts for a bunch of dorks aren't we? (It's just that some of us, coughyoucough, are dorkier than others :D)
Aww shucks, I'm glad you loved it! You deserve massive credit for editing my crap. But don't you ever beta again when you're sick! >=p
I love any hint of Nino/Jun... and these were rather more than that. ;)
#9 was...so susinct and sad and very realistic. He's right in every aspect of the others and even himself. I wonder what makes Jun Elite and at the same time, isn't it just that he's Jun?
And #10 made my heart all warm and fuzzy.
Thank you for writing this! Where can I find more of your Arashi fic?
Ahh, you're making me blush. I'm not sure they were that perfect, but thank you so much for thinking they were!
Matsumiya ♥♥ They are my OTP, but lately Aiba has been driving me insane so Aibajun has been trying to take over xD But I can't really fight the Matsumiya. I actually had two more "myths" written about Jun. They got cut so I could follow the prompt properly. But the two other ones were more Aibajun lol
Ah! You picked my favorite one too! Elite was the one I liked best. What I love about Jun is that even though he's such an overwhelmingly popular idol, he's still insecure and not overly confident about himself. He's, arguably, the most popular out of Arashi yet if you think about it, he's not the best at anything. But yeah, Jun being Matsumoto Jun makes him who he is. Touch turned out a bit mushier than I intended but I'm glad it made you smile
( ... )
Comments 85
I am a dork, but so are you XD
Ah, I'm so happy to see this posted! Now everyone else can enjoy it but never as much as I do (because I'll always love it the most) <3
Aww shucks, I'm glad you loved it! You deserve massive credit for editing my crap. But don't you ever beta again when you're sick! >=p
It's not crap! Honestly, if you think my stuff is good then your stuff is great!
AibaxJunxNino definitely deserves the title of OT3 <3
Oh, and I can't promise that XP
I quote, "Let's agree to disagree". It's crap before you polish it up, then it becomes shiny and not so crappy!
Seriously there's just too much Arashi love. OT3!! And there's not really a lot of the Aiba/Nino/Jun combo out there.
YOU! YOU! Do I really have to send a pout again? Do you see this, he's not happy at all about beta-ing sick!!
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I love any hint of Nino/Jun... and these were rather more than that. ;)
#9 was...so susinct and sad and very realistic. He's right in every aspect of the others and even himself. I wonder what makes Jun Elite and at the same time, isn't it just that he's Jun?
And #10 made my heart all warm and fuzzy.
Thank you for writing this! Where can I find more of your Arashi fic?
Matsumiya ♥♥ They are my OTP, but lately Aiba has been driving me insane so Aibajun has been trying to take over xD But I can't really fight the Matsumiya. I actually had two more "myths" written about Jun. They got cut so I could follow the prompt properly. But the two other ones were more Aibajun lol
Ah! You picked my favorite one too! Elite was the one I liked best. What I love about Jun is that even though he's such an overwhelmingly popular idol, he's still insecure and not overly confident about himself. He's, arguably, the most popular out of Arashi yet if you think about it, he's not the best at anything. But yeah, Jun being Matsumoto Jun makes him who he is. Touch turned out a bit mushier than I intended but I'm glad it made you smile ( ... )
*off to read the others*
Hope you enjoy the others too! :]
write more pls.
I'll try :] Thanks again for reading and commenting!
the last one "touch" was so ^____________^!!!!
who the other two elites?
Aww, thanks! It was fluffy right? xD
The other two elites of JE are: Nakai Masahiro (SMAP) and Higashiyama Noriyuki (Shounentai).
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