
Nov 29, 2009 23:17

Food Hunt

Pairing: don't know
Summary: you can't confess the same way to everyone you fall for.
Raiting: PG
Warning: boyxboy, not as exciting as it seems? you decide that...
Word count: 516
Note: leave a comment saying who you think the pairing should be (Y)

I remember when I confessed to my last boyfriend. We had been at the club with all our friends. The two of us had been dancing together before taking a seat and before either of us knew it, we were attached at the lips for the rest of the night, both having stupid grins on our faces each time we parted for air. We had been together instantly after that but only really together when we met up at school, holding hands and kissing. We never really had an official date and after a few weeks, we just faded as if it never happened.

But this was different. He was different. I didn’t think that we would hook up the same way or that we would only get as far as kissing and holding hands. I knew that I wanted more from him. But he was so different. He was so gentle and I was absolutely terrified that I would be rejected by him. I had to be more tactful, more careful. So at lunch, I asked the group who wanted to join me going to the shops. Everyone continued their conversations until he said that he would go with me. I cheered even though I already knew that he would say yes - he always did.

“okay, let’s see if anyone else wants to go first. Anyone?” I asked before seeming too eager for just the two of us to go on our own. When no one replied I was overjoyed, “nope? Okay, let’s go.”

The two of us headed to my car and we drove off to the store that we could have easily walked to.

We laughed in the short journey and roamed the store, laughing at the over-priced and looking for all sorts of yummy food, buying more than either of us could consume in the short lunch break. We bought our items and returned to the car. When the car was parked, he took a few of my items as my hands were already full. It was so nice of him. It was one of the things that I liked about him; always thinking about other people.

I locked the car and he was by my side, waiting for me to lock up and follow him back in. I offered to take back my arm full of food and as we got close enough for him to tilt the pile into my arms, I lent that little bit more forward and kissed his lips, pulling away quickly and walking back inside. I paused and looked behind me. His eyes were wide and his fingers were on his lips, he seemed frozen in shock, but as I watched a little longer, I saw his eyes soften and a small smile form on his lips.

“You coming or what?” I called to him.

He turned to me and his smile grew before he ran after me falling in step beside me as we walked back, him carrying his food in a plastic bag and me making sure mine didn’t fall out of my arms.


geeeez, i don't even know who i'm thinking about when i'm writing these anymore! it's up to you who they are i suppose, let me know you who were thinking of, 'k? <3

group: kat-tun, genre: au, rating: pg, person: kamenashi kazuya, person: yamashita tomohisa, person: akanishi jin, #fanfiction, #drabble, genre: fluff, group: news

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