
Jan 04, 2009 19:36

A touch of lips, our fingers link

pairing: makotoXruka
summary: ruka didn't let makoto fall off the school roof
raiting: not suitable for homophobes, otherwise, good for everyone
word count: 1,113

Makoto gradually walked backwards on the roof tiles.

"Grab my hand!" Ruka shouted to him, "Grab my hand!" Makoto shook his head as he moved further away bit by bit. Ruka had a flash of Makoto falling and that was all it took for him to leap forward just enough to grab Makoto’s hand and still be able to pull himself back onto the roof. He held on with all his might and pulled Makoto towards his chest. He fell to the ground on his back and Makoto landed on top of him, their faces millimetres apart, both boys were gasping and Ruka’s hands were now holding onto Makoto by his arms.

"Don’t do stupid things like that. Idiot"

"ass hole, why didn't you let me fall? I’ve had enough of you jerks ruining my life" the other boys tried to grab Makoto and separate him from Ruka so as to try and inject him with the rabbit blood again.

"No! Makoto!" Makoto struggled against the arms restraining him and watching the needle approaching his skin before it disappeared and he saw the kid that was holding it lying on the floor.

"Let go of him!" the boys looked hesitant.

"Now!!!" they pushed him away from him and made a run from the roof as a teacher shouted from one of the classrooms from which they could be seen. Ruka caught Makoto before he fell, his arms instantly going under his arms and wrapping around his waist and Makoto’s hands were on either side of Ruka’s head against the floor.


"If I had let you fall it would have been the biggest regret of my life."

"Why?" Makoto was looking into his eyes uncertainly. His eyes held hope and pain and need to be able to trust someone to not hurt him anymore. Someone that he could cry to. He had spent too many lonely nights in his room crying silently as the tears fell down his face and everyone else around him was asleep.

Ruka wrapped his arms tighter around Makoto’s waist and closed his eyes as Makoto’s arms bent and his face was in the crook of Ruka’s neck.

Ruka took a deep breath, "I... I care about you Makoto. I don't want to see you hurt anymore"

"you're lying" he mumbled, "You’re lying!!" Makoto began flailing his arms around trying to get loose of Ruka’s grip.

"I’m not- I NOT lying! Makoto stop it! I don't want you hurt! I LIKE you!!"

Makoto froze against Ruka’s body and felt his own heat up as he realised what he had said.

Makoto’s head was beside Ruka’s, his arms had fallen limp by his side and he had a leg between Ruka’s and on the outside from when he was struggling. Ruka’s arms were wrapped tight around Makoto’s chest and he was breathing heavily. He gulped and released his hold of Makoto, his arms also falling to the side.

"It... it was you? That kissed me?"

Ruka’s eyes widened tenfold, "you were awake?!"

"It was you. You. You had... stayed with me that day"

Makoto was on the side of the swimming pool barely conscious. He had nearly been drowned by that damn swimming teacher. He hadn't done anything, yet again. But he felt it necessary to hold his head under water until he nearly passed out. He had been left in the water and it was up to him to drag himself out before he passed out in the water and drowned. He couldn't move once he had got out and just lay there gaining his breath back and resting. He didn't know how long he had been there when he heard someone enter.

'if they think I’m unconscious maybe they won't hurt me again.' he sensed the figure moving closer and closer to him. He thought 'maybe whoever it is will just leave me here' but was quite surprised when he felt a gentle hand stroking his hair out of his face. The hand stoked his cheek and ran soft fingers over Makoto’s lips before Makoto felt a pair of lips covering his own. They didn't attempt to do anything to him. Only touch their lips together, and a few moments later, he felt those same hands moving down his arms to hold onto his hands giving them a light squeeze. When the figure had parted their lips, he lay beside him on the floor and placed a jacket over Makoto’s cold and wet figure. Makoto felt the hand stroking his face gently and touching his lips and Makoto remembered half hoping whoever it was would kiss him again. Instead he just lay beside him, holding his hand and stroking his face. Makoto felt so safe then and there that he fell asleep without the fear of being beaten... for at least until he woke up.

"I’m sorry" Ruka mumbled.


"I shouldn't have kissed you without your permission"

"Ruka...?" Makoto’s face was still beside Ruka’s they still hadn't moved from their earlier positions, "Th-thank you"
Ruka’s eyes widened yet again.

"I had felt so safe with you there beside me. I felt like I could survive this somehow"


"why did you do that? why did you stay with me that time?!"

"The same reason I took you to the infirmary the next day when you collapsed, and why I couldn't hurt you just now like they were going to. The same reason why I offered you help all those times before when I normally wouldn't and the same reason why I couldn't let you fall just now. I like you. I want to protect you. Hold you." at this point he wrapped his arms around Makoto’s arms again and held on tightly.

Makoto’s arms finally moved again and went to grip onto Ruka’s shirt.

"Why do I feel so safe when I’m close to you?"

"because I won't hurt you"

"you won't?" he sounded hopeful and gripped onto his shirt that tiny bit tighter.

Ruka's arms moved from around Makoto’s arms to placing a hand on both sides of Makoto’s face and bringing him to look into his eyes as he said, "of course not"

"I can trust you to look after me?"

A small smile appeared on Ruka’s face. It was like the genuine one Makoto had seen before by the river when he was stroking Ruka’s mouse. it made him believe him. And that allowed him to lean down and place his lips on Ruka’s.

Ruka was shocked and relaxed and closed his eyes as his hands fell from Makoto’s face and went to link his and Makoto’s fingers together in a tight reassuring grip.


reviews appreciated :P

person: domoto koichi, #oneshot, dc: ooba makoto, rating: pg, group: kinki kids, dc: ruka, person: domoto tsuyoshi, d: ningen shikkaku, #fanfiction, genre: fluff, genre: angst

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