Title: Love In All Places Fandom: omg_maou Pairing: Yozak/Conrad Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Fluff. Sap. Summary: Love means many things. Yozak ponders a few of them.
Title: Reappraisal Fandom: KKM Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram/Murata/Shinou Rating: NC-17 Summary: Well, if you're reading this LJ you may already have noticed my inability to let things lie. Sequel to 'Reclamation'.
Title: Reclamation Pairings: Yuuram (implied MuraWolf, S/S) Rating: R Summary: jazzthejazz gave me this one - "With briarwolf writing all her MuraWolf lately, I've been thinking of what would happen if Yuuri found out ....." This is my attempt at Yuuri's reaction. Betaed by: The wonderful deannawol