Title: Dente 1/3 Fandom: kay_willow's Poison-AU Pairings: ....aside from the omnipresent Ken/Lukas, none. Summary: Old comrades, new battles Author's Notes: Since I can't write in the new fandom, hon, have a gift from the old. ^_~
Title: Defence Manoeuvres Fandom: The S/S AU Warnings: Possible crack, sneaky Sages and the like. Characters: Ken, Lukas and Rufus the dog. Timeline: Post-"Audit"
Title: Love In All Places Fandom: omg_maou Pairing: Yozak/Conrad Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Fluff. Sap. Summary: Love means many things. Yozak ponders a few of them.
Title: Reappraisal Fandom: KKM Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram/Murata/Shinou Rating: NC-17 Summary: Well, if you're reading this LJ you may already have noticed my inability to let things lie. Sequel to 'Reclamation'.