Nov 27, 2010 13:07

So on Wednesday I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1.

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friends, fic, movies, harry potter, writing, plotting, stuff

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Comments 7

stefanina November 27 2010, 15:47:50 UTC
I have noticed with each movie, the outlandish elements minimize, giving the whole thing a much darker more realistic feel.


arabwel November 27 2010, 18:34:02 UTC
Whicch sucks cause its hjarry potter and there should be fglying cars and shiny things and robes and stuff!


leonatos November 27 2010, 18:28:25 UTC
How exactly did a werewolf who preys on small children look sexy? Thought he would have been very fugly or something?

Also, it seems you aren't that well versed in tvtropes.org. According to them, in the media rape and domestic abuse is considered acceptable if it's female on male. I bet if it had been better shot, things would be different though


arabwel November 27 2010, 18:31:44 UTC
They picked a pretty actor. thats how.

and I am wella ware of that trope, unfortunately. which is why I will point it out when it happens and say out louyd it is not funny.


leonatos November 27 2010, 20:05:20 UTC
Figures. Thought being a chicken-livered kiddie-fiddler would do bad things to his sex appeal.

Good to see you are willing to point out that female on male abuse is not acceptable. Many people forget it happens or even exists


arabwel December 1 2010, 02:21:35 UTC
See also tropes Evil is Sexy and Draco in Leather pants.

the problem witha buse is, the male on female is such a big huge one that it becomesd easy to dismiss the flipside while trying to treat the bigger problem first...


rifumi December 5 2010, 23:56:43 UTC
I've skipped some of the movies in between, but what's the deal with the Tolkien homage/plagiarism?

Also, there was once again this problem of the actors standing in a blue screen room and interacting with sfx that weren't there. I think Hermione's actress is pretty weak, she's not on the level of the way more experienced adult actors. It showed especially bad in the teen drama scenes which made them even more embarrassing..

But I hear the last couple of movies before this one were a lot worse, so I guess it's just an okay movie. The actor of Severus is one of my all-time favorites, Alan Rickman, check him out in the Kevin Costner version of Robin Hood..


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