too fat to work WTF

Apr 15, 2009 19:50

family claims they are too fat to work

What. the. fuck. SERIOULY.

this is the only thing going through my head here.

I have no fucking idea if I am angr at them, angry at society, disappointed, what the hell.

other than that there is too much WRONG with this for me to even start cataloguing.

serious stuff, oh noe it is fat, rant, rl, argh, linky

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Comments 33

redcoast April 15 2009, 19:05:18 UTC
Nah, read it carefully, they have other medical conditions that allow them to get disability, and they're not necessarily caused by obesity. Epilespy for instance


arabwel April 15 2009, 19:12:31 UTC
If they have those why ae they then saying they are too fat to work? that is whrre my problem is here - the demonsing of fat.


redcoast April 15 2009, 19:16:53 UTC
It's in the Daily Fail aka worst newspaper ever

they didn't say they were too fat to work, said the opposite


arabwel April 15 2009, 19:18:49 UTC
I beieve they are quoted tsaying they are too fat to ork in the subject line. Whereexactly are they statng anything other than that in the aticle?

Even if it IS daily fail...


lydiasings April 15 2009, 19:09:36 UTC
Grrr. Saw this on twitter. Their problem is stupidity not fat.


arabwel April 15 2009, 19:11:19 UTC
Precisely - they are blaming everything on being too fat,. how the fuck is it that tpilepsy is caused by being fat?


redcoast April 15 2009, 19:23:02 UTC
Other way around, sweetie. Anti-epileptics can make you fat, and anything that disturbs your sleep patterns can make you gain weight.


arabwel April 15 2009, 19:40:13 UTC
"for epilepsy and asthma, both a result of being overweight. " from the article.


ljooni April 15 2009, 19:19:49 UTC
Heard about these ones about a month ago. Here's a pretty good commentary that sums it up quite well

They're just making stupid excuses "veggies are too expensive, I'm a student, I have no time!" my ass. They just don't want to do anything about it 'cause they get paid already.


arabwel April 15 2009, 19:28:21 UTC
ffs., I weigh almost as uchas he parnts do - 22 st - and I work full time, dnace, exercse, etc, etc, etc.

they are using being fat as an excus for being lazy. do they have any medical conditions that make them unable to move? Last time I checked, diaetes didnöt make you incapable of moving. neither did epilepsy.


redcoast April 15 2009, 19:36:42 UTC
How about asthma and heart conditions though. also being 60ish.


madda_gaska April 15 2009, 23:47:14 UTC
Neither of those would stop them from doing many types of work. Fat or not, medical conditions or not, their attitude stinks almost as much as mine. And as for being 60ish... 57 puts him 8 years from retirement. He could do something.

Unlike others, I'm not suggesting stupidity is their problem though. They get paid for doing fuck all, so it's actually quite smart for them not to do anything.



Fucking hypocrites. ms_anthrophy April 15 2009, 19:50:16 UTC
Okay, the reason why I prefer to stay unemployed is that I'm so fukken lazy but at least I'm honest. (Okay, not to the authorities but still...:D)


smtfhw April 15 2009, 20:27:04 UTC
My take? Too sodding lazy to work. If they moved more they wouldn't be so fat so work would be good for them... When I was 20 stone I worked as hard as I do now I'm only 12 stone and the health issues I had then went away because I lost the weight.


arabwel April 15 2009, 20:36:50 UTC
the daily fail article makes it so that they are incapable due to sai healoth issues.. but as such, the partnts might have a reason there. the girls? not so much. I am so fucking angry the girls have been aised to be defeatist and circular logicg y - "everything bad happens to us beuase we are fat. but we canöt help being fat. so we anöt do anything"


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