I am dying over the extreme gorgeousity of the bonus track on Demi Lovato's new CD

May 12, 2013 03:26

Seriously, it's like INSANELY beautiful. You can hear it here.

And I transcribed the heartbreakingly beautiful lyrics. As much as I love all of her stuff, and I have my faves... with just about a handful of listens, this very well could be my favorite song ever by her. Her voice, the lyrics, the melody.... gah! It's GORGEOUS!

Lyrics - I Hate You, Don't Leave Me )

music, songs, demi lovato

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Comments 9

crowandfog May 12 2013, 09:09:43 UTC
I haven't heard the song, but I like the lyrics. I agree with you about her voice--gorgeous for sure.

ETA: Listened to it. Love it!


arabian May 12 2013, 09:15:24 UTC
Ugh, it's just so insanely gorgeous, I love it! There are other great songs on the CD, but I'm definitely getting it from Target now so I have this bonus track.


marble_rose May 12 2013, 23:59:29 UTC
This is so gorgeous. I want to see a D/E vid from Elena's pov so badly right now.


arabian May 13 2013, 04:48:52 UTC
Isn't it, though?! Yeah, I kept kinda seeing Elena's pov a bit while listening to this.

Oh, I've missed you and your commentary on my commentary, LOL! Where have you been? (Also, did you read my fic? It's all done!)


tj2013 May 13 2013, 10:51:12 UTC
Never heard about Demi Lovato before - so thanks for introducing me to her music. Great song!


arabian May 13 2013, 11:18:14 UTC
Well, in that case.... here is a post I just put up over at ONTD that has a link to my favorite songs by her.

I LOVE HER! This new CD by her comes out tomorrow and the song I have here is only available at Target. :)


tj2013 May 14 2013, 05:48:58 UTC
Cool, thanks for the link! So Demi Lovato it is. Cheers!


arabian May 15 2013, 07:06:28 UTC
You're welcome. :)


(The comment has been removed)

arabian May 15 2013, 07:06:11 UTC
She's awesome. Here is a post I just put up over at ONTD that has a link to my favorite songs by her.

I LOVE HER! This new CD by her came out yesterday and the song I have here is only available at Target. :)


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