I need some cheering up (life sucks, ya know!) so ....

Aug 02, 2010 12:14

if you have one (more than one) ... post a picture of your pet, share an amusing anecdote! Make the world smile! (Or just me, LOL!) Here are my three babies.

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real life, cats

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Comments 41

bitterbird August 2 2010, 21:26:28 UTC
oh wow Dakota looks so much like my cat, Pancakes


arabian August 2 2010, 21:30:05 UTC
Wow, yes he does!!


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arabian August 2 2010, 23:37:57 UTC
Thank you. I'll send them your regards, LOL!

Cats are crazy, crazy fun. I worships them. :D


corpsebride05 August 3 2010, 01:52:22 UTC
Here's my little Catarina! She loves to lick my nose! She demands that I rub her tummy at least once a day. She gets in bed with me and she positions herself and she's so happy. When I get tired of rubbing her belly she leans her head back as if to say, "Hey, why did you stop!" She's very spoiled! She's my little cuddle-bug!

... )


arabian August 4 2010, 02:18:11 UTC
Lordy, I love spoiled cats, LOL! Yeah, my baby, Dakota, keeps me the most plaintive cry and looks up at me whenever I stop petting her.

Love how Peanut is just looking straight up at the camera when you took the pic. Hee!


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arabian August 4 2010, 02:35:14 UTC
Oh, Alice was probably fully grown when Oscar was introduced to the household. Most cats who are grown when puppies enter a home tend to be blase about them. As the puppies get bigger they still think of the cats as "bigger" than them, and so when the cat actually fights back, they freak out. It's always so funny when it happens! :)


theyellow_daisy August 3 2010, 07:47:21 UTC
You've got gorgeous kitties!! *GLEE*!!


arabian August 4 2010, 02:35:31 UTC
Thank you, yes, I do! :D


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