I need some cheering up (life sucks, ya know!) so ....

Aug 02, 2010 12:14

if you have one (more than one) ... post a picture of your pet, share an amusing anecdote! Make the world smile! (Or just me, LOL!) Here are my three babies.

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real life, cats

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corpsebride05 August 3 2010, 01:52:22 UTC
Here's my little Catarina! She loves to lick my nose! She demands that I rub her tummy at least once a day. She gets in bed with me and she positions herself and she's so happy. When I get tired of rubbing her belly she leans her head back as if to say, "Hey, why did you stop!" She's very spoiled! She's my little cuddle-bug!

And here's Peanut! He's also very spoiled! He talks a lot. He loves Catarina but she hates him. She tries to scratch him. I can't leave them alone together. Peanut loves to have one of his back feet held up in the air! It's very strange!


arabian August 4 2010, 02:18:11 UTC
Lordy, I love spoiled cats, LOL! Yeah, my baby, Dakota, keeps me the most plaintive cry and looks up at me whenever I stop petting her.

Love how Peanut is just looking straight up at the camera when you took the pic. Hee!


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