Just ... whatever.

Nov 20, 2009 15:19

I must say I am quite, quite glad that I never got completely hooked on Barney/Robin. I've read a few fics, and read the comm for news and such, but I'm not obsessive at all. (Note there are vague spoilers -- and some profanity -- under the cut.)

Why? )

brotp, himym, tv

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Comments 12

havemy_heart November 20 2009, 20:36:33 UTC
Yeah, his attitude and reasoning really pissed me off. I might have to break up with this show :/


arabian November 20 2009, 21:46:48 UTC
I'll still watch it, but yeah, I'll never recommend it, and I won't buy any more DVDs.


brandyleigh November 20 2009, 21:06:57 UTC
Ugh, unfortunately I am/was pretty into them. I must say I'm really shocked by this - I honestly thought they'd get back together eventually and do things right, even if most of their relationship this season was written like a cliche of any relationship on any sitcom. I'm not the type who has faith in writers or anything, but they'd always been good at writing relationships in the past, so I thought they'd do a good job with them ( ... )


arabian November 20 2009, 21:48:58 UTC
I'm sorry that you're so into them. I've COMPLETELY been there and it SUCKS!

I will still watch -- unless the show becomes completely unwatchable -- but I'm done hyping it, looking forward to it, etc. I've been mildly disappointed for awhile now, this was just a capper. And I'm not one who watched the show for B/R, so it's not about them breaking up. It's about how badly they wrote them in a relationship, how badly they wrote the relationship, how badly they've been writing Lily, how boring the overall season has been.

ETA: I'm sorry, didn't realize I wrote that much!

Never apologize for writing a lot. Look at my posts, I'm a fan of that!


galfridian November 20 2009, 21:26:42 UTC
:( I know. I genuinely thought that because How I Met Your Mother was so fresh and original most times, I could trust the producers and writers with Barney/Robin. I thought that they saw what so many fans did: Two people who did not need or want a traditional life, who could love each other without the need to define, or limit, or detail, and could just be happy.

As it became clear that they were doing a poor job with Barney/Robin, and as the break-up happened, I realized they didn't see this. With this interview, I realized that Barney/Robin was a gimick to them, and nothing more. I had faith in the show. I no longer do. Nothing's drawing me toward it right now. I may need to be done.


arabian November 20 2009, 21:50:31 UTC
As I said in other comments, I'll stick around because it's not unwatchable to me yet, but other than that, I pretty much agree with everything else you've said. Yeah.


the_spin November 20 2009, 21:28:27 UTC
I was obviously disappointed by the stupid handling of Barney/Robin, but I was kind of just willing to live and let live, you know? I thought the storyline was clumsily done and sometimes shows fumble things badly. But that interview is just ridiculously douchey and now I'm pissed off when I don't want to be. UGH CARTER, I KNOW TED IS BASED ON YOU BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO DOUCHE IT UP ALL OVER THE PLACE.


arabian November 20 2009, 21:50:53 UTC
YES, THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


onebrightmoment November 21 2009, 01:25:37 UTC
yep. pretty much everything you've said.

one of the things that got me immediately hooked on himym was how much planning the writers/creaters obviously put into the stories and the future of everything. so I had faith that even though things were awkward, they would work it out.

and then this? what? it's really disappointing the way he just waved it off like that. why bother spending all of last season building up to it?

psh. I'm not done with the show or anything, but I'm really disappointed. and oddly enough it's not because my 'ship sunk, but how it sunk.


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