Just ... whatever.

Nov 20, 2009 15:19

I must say I am quite, quite glad that I never got completely hooked on Barney/Robin. I've read a few fics, and read the comm for news and such, but I'm not obsessive at all. (Note there are vague spoilers -- and some profanity -- under the cut.)

Why? )

brotp, himym, tv

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brandyleigh November 20 2009, 21:06:57 UTC
Ugh, unfortunately I am/was pretty into them. I must say I'm really shocked by this - I honestly thought they'd get back together eventually and do things right, even if most of their relationship this season was written like a cliche of any relationship on any sitcom. I'm not the type who has faith in writers or anything, but they'd always been good at writing relationships in the past, so I thought they'd do a good job with them.

I don't understand why they think it's all or nothing, either - like you said, there's a big area between womanizer and stereotypical boyfriend. I personally don't have any desire to see Barney act like he did in this most recent episode. The writers are the ones that chose to write Barney as someone more than just a one-note womanizer - they've done this since the first season, and then they spent all of last season hammering home the point that Barney was in love with Robin. It will make next to no sense if they just pretend this never happened, with Barney being totally cool with Robin falling for this new Don guy. On top of that, I'm not sure how it makes sense for Barney to be over-the-top crazy and single again, given all that's happened. Why will the rest of the gang want to continue to hang out with him? Marshall and Lily are married and have always rolled their eyes or admonished him for his behavior, Robin probably won't find him hitting on other women amusing anymore, plus she's apparently going to be in a new, serious relationship, and Ted seems to have grown past humoring Barney and his crazy antics. If Barney doesn't grow, or regresses even, I'm going to wonder why he's still friends with everyone.

I don't know if I'm going to give up on the show or not. They aren't the only reason I watched the show, but for one of the creators to have such a nonsensical reasoning for breaking up a couple they spent years building, it makes me question all of their decisions when it comes to where the show is headed. When Chuck comes back on Mondays, I'll probably just give it a miss and maybe catch up later if I have the time or if I hear that things turn around somehow.

ETA: I'm sorry, didn't realize I wrote that much!


arabian November 20 2009, 21:48:58 UTC
I'm sorry that you're so into them. I've COMPLETELY been there and it SUCKS!

I will still watch -- unless the show becomes completely unwatchable -- but I'm done hyping it, looking forward to it, etc. I've been mildly disappointed for awhile now, this was just a capper. And I'm not one who watched the show for B/R, so it's not about them breaking up. It's about how badly they wrote them in a relationship, how badly they wrote the relationship, how badly they've been writing Lily, how boring the overall season has been.

ETA: I'm sorry, didn't realize I wrote that much!

Never apologize for writing a lot. Look at my posts, I'm a fan of that!


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