It's just a crime that more people don't watch 'Life'

Oct 04, 2008 00:07

This is seriously an amazing, amazing show. Funny, dramatic, moving, hot, smart, witty, everything. It is so very, very, VERY good. Of all of the shows I love and/or think are great, I really do believe this one tops the list simply because I find myself enjoying and appreciating all that is so very, very good about it while watching it and ( Read more... )

life, tv, damian lewis

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Comments 8

unicorn23 October 4 2008, 21:12:51 UTC
Rock on! Life was the best new show last season and I'm so glad people are slowly starting to see just how good this show is. I haven't watched last night's episode yet so I can't comment about it but I'm in complete agreement in you concerning the awesomeness of this show. I really wish more people would watch it because I'm not ready to let this show go yet.


arabian October 6 2008, 00:16:42 UTC
Unfortunately, not enough people. I'm really hoping that due to the less than stellar ratings across the board at NBC, they'll give it time and nurture it. It so deserves it. I've loved this show since it first aired that I checked it out on a whim. It has yet to disappoint.


loves_bitch1301 October 5 2008, 02:10:31 UTC
I completely agree! This show has so many layers. There's absolutely nothing I can think of off the top of my head that I don't like about this show.

Plus you're right about Lewis. He looked damn good in jeans. And I love that they're letting Shahi wear her hair down now.


arabian October 6 2008, 00:17:51 UTC
There's absolutely nothing I can think of off the top of my head that I don't like about this show.

Yes. This.

you're right about Lewis

He's so not traditionally good-looking, but my goodness, does his charisma and talent make him unbelievably hot!!


eolivet October 6 2008, 17:25:30 UTC
Ah, Entertainment Weekly...offering numbers with no reason. :/ Failing to point out that of the remaining three shows, two were at 8PM (when fewer people are watching TV), one is on the CW (which has never cracked the top 20...ever) and "Life" was on at 10PM (when more TVs are on vs. 8PM) and led out of "Bionic Woman" -- which had extremely high ratings early on.

Sorry...stuff like this makes me annoyed at EW, not you. ;p If they're going to give a reason to watch it, just say it's awesome. They shouldn't...try and use unfair ratings comparisons to prove the point. :/


arabian October 6 2008, 17:58:24 UTC
No, you took what I quoted completely wrong. Instead of listing the normal ratings, they listed some new study called the "Emotional Index" and had interesting commentary next to certain shows. It wasn't about why one show got higher than the other, it wasn't about overall ratings or why you should watch one show over another or at all. It was based on an independent research poll that asked about people's emotional attachment to the shows that they DID watch. It wasn't an article on Life at all - -they've never been gaga over the show -- but just another list.

I read it as being about asking people who watch X show what their level of attachment to it was so it had nothing to do with Lost having 20 million versus 30 Rock have 5, but rather how emotionally attached on average those 20 million were versus the overall average of those 5.


eolivet October 6 2008, 19:30:17 UTC
Good Lord, self -- you absolutely said in your post that it was an emotional attachment index! I apologize. I did refer a friend to dw_forever, so...don't hate me too much? :/

:headdesk: :facepalm:, mea culpa, etc. :(


arabian October 6 2008, 22:20:53 UTC
Oh, don't apologize, it happens. Thanks for the reference, though! Cool!!! :D


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