It's just a crime that more people don't watch 'Life'

Oct 04, 2008 00:07

This is seriously an amazing, amazing show. Funny, dramatic, moving, hot, smart, witty, everything. It is so very, very, VERY good. Of all of the shows I love and/or think are great, I really do believe this one tops the list simply because I find myself enjoying and appreciating all that is so very, very good about it while watching it and marveling on afterward.

The whole first ten minutes or so I was just giggling and loving the whole "uptight" conversation. I love, love, love the relationship between Crews and Reese. Yes, of course, there's a part of me that ships them because they are both very pretty people, they are both very good actors, they are both quite charismatic and they do have chemistry, but for one of the very few times like ever, I'm totally cool with nothing happening beyond their relationship because they are so very, very awesome together as is. I just love them. The dialogue, the looks, the body language, everything. Were something to change between them I highly doubt that it would be anything other than jaw-droppingly hot (that shower scene from early season one -- despite having no sexual overtones whatsoever -- absolutely showed that), but as they are now is pretty damn wonderful and I'm cool with that.

Besides, after that oh so good, oh so hot Charlie/ex-wife, Jennifer scene outside/in the backseat of the car, I'm sorta kinda shipping Charlie and Jennifer because that? was HOT! With a capital H-O-T! I think I rewound and watched that one about five or six times. So, so hot. And speaking of hot, how incredibly H-O-T does Damian Lewis look when he's not wearing the suit -- not that he doesn't wear the suit well, mind you -- but just jeans and the button-down shirt? First with Jennifer outside the car, and then in the final scene when he's walking toward daddy Reese's car. It was just PHEW! Meltdown of über -hotness.

Okay, random stuffies ...

- I love how we got a callback to the car as object mantra from season one.

- I love how Ted obviously told Charlie what Jack said and how Charlie just so casually let Jack know.

- I love the new Captain. He only had a few scenes, but I'm loving him a lot.

- I don't mind that the oh so annoying Jessy Schram is on this show. Yes, yes, it helps that she looks nothing like she did as Hannah on VM, but still, I'm okay with it because I trust this show so much and know that they knew what they were doing when they cast her.

- Erm, on the other hand, the casting of the little girl in tonight's episode? Not so good. Eh, that was a one-episode stint; I still have faith re: above casting.

- Did I mention that Damian Lewis is hot? If not, he's really hot! Not conventional, no, but DAMN, is he hot!

- Heh, we got fruit. And a WORM!!! Which he, of course, ate. Because it's just protein, right? I love this show.

- The case was good because the characterization is so good and because how Charlie approaches it all is so good and unique. This is unlike any other crime procedural that has ever been.

I beseech everyone on my flist if you've never watched this show, give it a shot. It's worth it. It is so very, very, VERY good. And once you watch it, it's hard not to get hooked! So says 'The Emotional Attachment Index' according to my latest Entertainment Weekly:
    #18 Life -- Here's some fruit for thought: Last fall, several series with cult fan bases launched, including the CW's Gossip Girl, ABC's Pushing Daisies, and NBC's Chuck. However, Life was the only one to crack the top 20.
Uh huh!

life, tv, damian lewis

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