So, yeah, watched 7 and 1/4 eps of 'Gossip Girl'

May 12, 2008 00:42

I like it, I don't love love it, but I DO love love Chuck and (surprisingly to me because I've never been a Leighton Meeser fan) Blair, and I really love the idea of them together. So yeah, I guess they're my Gossip Girl couple ( Read more... )

gossip girl, tv, chuck/blair

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Comments 6

marikenobi May 12 2008, 05:05:10 UTC
Chase is the new Duncan.

But it's all about Chuck and Blair for me


arabian May 12 2008, 12:51:05 UTC
Oh, now come on -- that's not fair. Chase is GENUINELY pretty, unlike TD who just had the eyes. And Chase CAN act, he's just not very good, unlike TD who was bloody awful for the most part.

Yeah, I'm loving Chuck and Blair. Surprise me. (About Blair, not Chuck -- during the first episode alone, I was trying to ship Chuck with Serena or Jenny, but those fell by the wayside pretty quickly.) But, man, Blair!?!? The main reason I wasn't interested in watching this (before La Bell became involved) was my blahness towards LM, so color me totally surprised. I totally was wrong about her.


harper47 May 12 2008, 13:29:22 UTC
I love Blair and Chuck but I also love Serena. I was never a Blake fan, especially in Sisterhood of the Traveling pants but I guess I just like Serena. Something deep in her eyes.

But Blair and Chuck rule.

I agree with you about KB's PR person. She really has a good team. I think the area that she has improved is in fashion. She's looking a lot more together and is always getting pics in EW or somewhere like that.

Also -yea -Forgetting Sarah Marshall tanked pretty fast didn't it? Sorry Jason. But honestly, as much as I love him on Mother, all that talk about his full frontals certainly didn't see the show for me. And was Kristen in any reviews?

She may be getting photo publicity but at least Jason is still getting acting Kudos. And that's what matters in my book.


arabian May 12 2008, 13:39:59 UTC
Yeah, I love B/C, but I do love Serena too. I haven't seen SotTP, but it's on my Netflix queue!

And agreed on all the rest too! :D


boundaid May 12 2008, 05:10:55 UTC
Gossip Girl cast off the show are just so much more interesting. I think Blair is my favorite character and Blake Lively is so pretty but not a very good actress. That or her range is just very limited. Smile, laugh, pout.

Kristen Bell is all famous now, damn it. She has a MOVIE that she is headlining, besides the ridiculous plot, I think she is on Heroes next season as well. :/


arabian May 12 2008, 12:54:13 UTC
Yup, much more interesting. I really only cared about a few of the cast/characters on VM.

Oh, I don't think she's a bad actress at all, I think she's pretty good and very charismatic. Honestly, being able to believably pull up a genuine smile, laugh and pout is a good range for a nightime soap, LOL! I think she does a good job. The thing that gets me about her is that she looks sooooooooo much like Brooke and I'm always struck by that, LOL!

Eh, she's actually NOT that famous. Really. She got all that press for Heroes and it did NADA! for her; all the press for Forgetting Sarah Marshall and (sorry, Jason Segel) the film has already been forgotten -- hell, she was forgotten in most of the reviews.

And there's no firm word on her appearing in Season 3 of Heroes, just La Bell spouting off. She's actually not doing well at all considering all of the press her clearly amazing PR person managed for her.


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