So, yeah, watched 7 and 1/4 eps of 'Gossip Girl'

May 12, 2008 00:42

I like it, I don't love love it, but I DO love love Chuck and (surprisingly to me because I've never been a Leighton Meeser fan) Blair, and I really love the idea of them together. So yeah, I guess they're my Gossip Girl couple.

I'm TRYING to not be spoiled (and have only watched up through all of ep 7 ("Victor, Victrola") and up to the first Blair/Chase scene in ep 8. I'm sure I'll spoil myself ridiculously once I'm caught up, but until then, I'm just waiting and watching to see how it plays out. So avoiding sites and commentary until I'm caught up (so no spoilers, etc. in comments please) ... which hopefully will be by Wednesday or so. Hopefully.

BTW, yeah, still hate Kristen Bell and am sadly reminded every single time I hear her voice-over. What really bites is that about 90% of the GG voice-over is not only unnecessary, it rather feels like a dumbing down moment every time because the actors (for the most part, yes, Chase Crawford I'm looking at you) sell the moment without the stupid voice-over. Ah well, I can deal, though, and I do really, really like Blair and Chuck, with Blair totally being my favorite character. I really just love her.

gossip girl, tv, chuck/blair

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