Movie Stuff

Sep 12, 2010 18:48

Hm, so, I've only recently gotten back into LJ. Been forever! As proven by my almost non-existent friends list :P However, I thought I'd post some thoughts on movies I've seen recently, since I've seen quite a few in the last few weeks.

my thoughts on a few recent movies... spoilers possible, I guess. )


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Comments 3

belbee October 7 2010, 08:42:42 UTC
I'm very late on commenting... mainly because I don't use LJ much, but anyway!

You know, I haven't seen any of these. I wanted to see The Other Guys, but never got there. The only movie I've seen lately is Inception. AWESOME movie!

You did scare me a little though. I read the words "Miley... yeah. What is there to say? She's an interesting actress" and I gasped! But luckily you redeemed yourself!


arabella October 7 2010, 20:52:06 UTC
Haha, no worries, I didn't know you were checking LJ at all! :P

Yes, I so love Miley. NOT. Ugh she's terrible. I still haven't seen Inception! :( I definitely need to do that, I keep hearing how great it is.


belbee October 8 2010, 04:42:05 UTC
I actually don't really check LJ unless I have something I need to stress out about that I can't on FB or Twitter! It's usually website related stress! lol!

But then I remembered you said you were back to LJ, so I had a look and HAD to comment on the Miley confusion that I had!

And yes, you need to see Inception... it's beyond brilliant, which means it's very good!


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