A Janto love story in the form of epic picspam.

Jan 12, 2009 10:30

So, I posted an epic picspam on the torchwoodforum just before Christmas, and I had toyed with the idea of posting it here, but life happened and I never got around to it. But now life has calmed down and I thought why not.

This is more than a bit silly, but also has a bunch of hot. Oh, and it's 70 screencaps, mostly provided by cowboyhd (though I'm hosting them myself, chill...) so be very wary...

This is the story of Jack,

and Ianto.

as you can see, they are very pretty,

and even prettier together.

at first they started out wary of each other...

with a side of sexual tension, just to make things spicier.

Then, they settled into working together,

but it was clear the tension was still there.

Unfortunately, the reason why all that tension went unresolved...

was a bit surprising for everyone.

But despite some ickiness

...they managed to get through it.

Once things calmed down, kind of,

they began to get closer...

and closer...lolz

and closer, (phallic imagery ftw!)


Ianto is very kinky.

Jack is a bit slow...

but he caught on eventually.

Much to Ianto's delight.

So, they began to engage in athletic,


and kinky sex games.

All of which was lovely,


and some...

...Ianto was not impressed.

But Jack came back before long,

because he knows where his bread is buttered.

He promptly asked Ianto out on a date,

very nervously, I might add.

Luckily for him, Ianto said yes.

and they got down to the business of being together.

But they never let up the kinky sex games.

Innovative games, even.

They continued to get closer, (even though they are far away in this pic...)

and soon, they fell in love.

awww, so sweet. (k, this again just for the hot)

(and this too...)

The rest of the team was a little surprised.

But they couldn't deny the proof, so they dealt.

Walking in on this helped.

who wouldn't want to see that?

Now, despite some tragic loss,

and the return of not one,

but two exes,

and a messed up little brother.

they have stuck it out and are now happily getting married and having babies (no, sorry, this isn't a gwack fic) having kinky (eye)sex,

and getting closer emotionally,

and ruling Cardiff as the hottest,


(I swear, I will not use another one of these pics...)

most kick ass,

alien hunters ever.

The end...for now. We will get to more, as soon as they get around to airing s3. (fine, so they aren't IC. I believe it, I do...)

jack/ianto, picspam, jack harkness, torchwood, ianto jones

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