At First Sight, Arthur/Molly

Jan 10, 2009 00:16

Title: At First Sight
Pairing: Arthur/Molly
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 7700
Summary: Arthur and Molly have been together since Hogwarts, and stayed strong throughout the years, thanks to a solid foundation. This is their story, as I imagine it.
Notes:This fic was started about 2 years ago, for a was my second entry actually, so I wasn't fussed about it not being done. So not fussed, that it took me ages to write more, and I merely pecked away at it over the years. Finally, finally I got it done and sent it to be beta-ed by the wonderful annafugazzi who sent it back with some suggestions. I fixed it up and finished it and here it is! I'm just so glad to get this one out from under the pile of half finished fics I have still. I am on a roll. I have no idea which one will be next. :D


Molly Prewett was amazed. Hogwarts was even bigger than she imagined and a whole lot more…well, just more. Everything seemed bigger than life, brighter, bolder, so latent with magic. She loved it from the first second she saw it.

She seemed to be falling in love at first sight a lot lately. When the prefect led them up to the common room she was comforted by the coziness, a warm fire crackling in the grate while slightly battered armchairs and tables were scattered around the room, richly colored although slightly shabby tapestries adorned the walls. Immediately, it felt like home.

The next morning she went downstairs to the common room early. The dormitories were warm and comfortable, but she knew the common room is where the action was. She settled herself into an armchair by the fire with her book bag at her feet, waiting until it was time to go to breakfast. There were a few older students there already, most were reading or talking quietly, so the room was quite peaceful.

Molly set to her book and began reading. Hogwarts; A History was the most fascinating book she had read yet, it was full of all sorts of information that was bound to come in handy over the next seven years. The common room became noisier around her as more students came down the stairs from their tower rooms. Most passed through the portrait hole to the great hall, and Molly couldn’t help but pay passing attention, these people were her house mates, some of them for another 6 years and she thought it important to have at least a rudimentary knowledge of them.

Her attention was caught and held by a boy who came down the stairs as she was closing her book. He was older than her, second, possibly third year, and already showing signs of being very tall when he'd grown. He had red hair and a handsome face sprinkled liberally with freckles. He was laughing with his friends, and Molly was entranced by his eyes, even from a distance she could see they were blue, and shining with mirth.

She sat still as he crossed the room with his friends, their excited chatter filling the room around her. He grinned at her as his eyes swept the room, shocking her fingers into uselessness. She dropped Hogwarts; A History on it’s spine with a thud. He grinned wider and stopped as his friends continued to the portrait hole, and picked her book up, handing it to her.

“Hi,” he said with a smile. “Sorry for distracting you.”

She took the book from him with a blush, he had distracted her but it was her own fault.

“Thank you,” She forced out on a breath, her voice stolen away by her embarrassment.

“I’m Arthur Weasley,” He reached out a hand to her, and she took it. She flushed again as he pulled her to her feet. “Second year. What’s your name?”

“Molly Prewett,” she said quietly, gazing up at him.

“Well, Molly Prewett, you should probably get down to breakfast. You’ll need it today.” He grinned again at her, and she felt herself relaxing, his friendly manner calming her shyness.

As he let go of her hand she became aware that she had held onto it, and she flushed again. He grinned widely and turned to leave the common room.

“Welcome to Hogwarts,” he said over his shoulder as he slipped through the portrait hole.

At eleven years old, Molly Prewett believed in love at first sight.


Molly groaned in frustration once again, holding back the urge to pound her head against the table. She just could not make the spell work, no matter how hard she tried, and it was exceedingly frustrating. The mouse she was practicing on took her inattention as the perfect chance to make a break for freedom, and it would have succeeded too, had it not been caught by a freckled hand and placed back on the table as the owner of said hand sat down in the chair beside Molly’s.

Molly looked up and sucked in a breath sharply as she saw Arthur smiling down at her. They were at one of the smaller tables that littered the Gryffindor common room, most of them filled with students doing homework. There were still a few empty tables, so she was surprised by his question.

“Mind if I sit here?” Arthur asked, holding the squirming mouse by its tail.

“Sure,” Molly replied, slightly breathless. Arthur had proven himself to be friendly and helpful last year, and it seemed nothing had changed this year. Molly hoped she was right in thinking that he helped her more than anyone else, but the truth was that Arthur was a generous friend, and he was friends with everyone. The Weasleys were known for their open manners and they gave freely to everyone.

“Do you need help with the spell?” He asked as he froze the mouse in place and began to pull several texts and some parchment out of his book bag. “It’s not an easy one, Ewan McKinney was so bad at it that his toad hopped around for days with half a slimy goblet on it’s back.”

They both laughed at this, and Molly’s mood was lightened. “I haven’t been able to get it to do anything so far. It’s as if the spell won’t work for me at all, not even a bit. Sarah got hers on the first try, the show off.” Molly was a little bit jealous of her best friend’s knack with Transfiguration; Molly herself was better suited to Charms.

“The trick is to imagine it changing, and when you visualize the goblet, give it characteristics of the animal you are using. You won’t have to do that once you get practiced at it, but it helps a lot in the beginning.”

Molly listened intently, she really was struggling with the spell, and besides, it was Arthur. She had always hung on every word he said.

“For instance, this is a brown field mouse, so don’t try to turn it silver or glass or anything like that, not at first at any rate. Try for wood the first go. It’s easiest if you draw on the object and find way to connect it to what you intend to transfigure it to. Go ahead and give it a try.”

“Okay,” Molly said, picking up her wand again and contemplating the mouse. Arthur released it from the freezing charm but luckily the mouse was more docile now, and it stayed in place for her. She tapped its back three times and stated clearly, “Fera Verto” imagining in her head a wooden goblet as she recited the incantation.

To her endless amazement, it worked. The mouse morphed into a rough wooden goblet. Molly picked it up, amazed.

“There you go, I knew you could do it.” Arthur said as Molly beamed up at him. “Go on, try again. This time imagine it brass and see what you can do with it.”

He turned the cup back into a mouse and Molly prepared to try again. She practiced it for a half hour as Arthur worked on his Potions essay, and by the time he was done it she had successfully turned the mouse into a lovely gold goblet rimmed with porcelain.

“Thanks for the help,” She said as he put his Potions text away and pulled out his Muggle Studies book. The boy was fascinated with Muggles, a quirk that which Molly found exceedingly strange, but it put a gleam in his eye that she was fast becoming addicted to.

He smiled as he replied. “You’re welcome,” He helped her put the mouse away in its cage and smiled at her once more before settling into the chair to read. Molly pulled out her Charms text and set to work on her essay, still very much aware that he was beside her, as if it were normal for a third year to study with a second year. She grinned to herself and opened the book.

Arthur sat with her more often after that, offering advice on her class work and sometimes just regaling her with stories of the antics performed by his friends and brothers. Molly began to cherish these study sessions, and her grades improved because of it. Arthur made her feel comfortable and confident, and when he focused his attention on her she felt like she could accomplish anything.

Molly would turn thirteen that October, and she had found a friend like none she had ever known.


Molly sat beside Arthur at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, waiting expectantly for the First Years to come in and be sorted. She was excited for her brothers, and nervous about being so close to Arthur. Sure, they were friendly, but she never had gotten over her first year crush, and still got butterflies when he was around. He treated her just like the girls in his year, and was always smiling and courteous, even earning some jabs from his friends for his attention. But the thing about Arthur was that he was just a nice boy, and he never let it bug him. Molly felt kind of giddy sitting this close, the nervousness of first year may have been put at ease by Arthur’s relaxed friendliness, but he was still Arthur and he still made her giddy.

The door to the Great Hall opened and Professor McGonagall walked in, leading a pack of nervous 11 year olds. Molly sat up straight and strained for a sight of her brothers’ red heads, seeing them amidst a tangle of brown and blond.

“Are those your brothers Molly?” Arthur asked her, leaning closer to speak in her ear. She shivered slightly at his closeness, but she had gotten used to it enough to be able to answer.

“Yes, that’s Fabian up front and Gideon behind him. I wonder what house they’ll be sorted into.”

Arthur smiled at her and said certainly. “Gryffindor of course! If they’re anything like you, Molly.” He grinned at her, and she felt her heart flip a little bit. She smiled back shyly, wondering if she would ever be able to look at him without catching her breath.

Soon the hat had sorted the first half of the class, and reached the 'P’s' It called out “Prewett, Fabian,” and she watched her little brother walk slowly up to the hat. He sat down on the stool as McGonagall lifted the hat to sit on his head.

“He looks a little green,” Arthur whispered in her ear again, causing another shiver to ripple down her back. She hoped he didn’t notice. “Yeah,” she replied, keeping her eyes on Fabian as the hat talked into his head.

“GRYFFINDOR!” it yelled out, relief flooding Fabians face as the table cheered.

Molly stood and clapped loudly, beaming at her little brother as he made his way toward the table. He waved at Molly, beaming back at her, his cheeks tinged pink with excitement. Molly’s friends patted her on the back, and waved to Fabian as he took his seat.

Arthur smiled at her and said, “See? I told you Gryffindor.” She smiled up at him happily, the butterflies in her belly stirred to life again by the twinkle in his blue eyes.

“Prewett, Gideon,” McGonagall called from the front of the hall, and Molly turned around again to watch Fabians twin shuffle up to the stool.

They watched again as Gideon sat under the hat, looking completely identical to his brother. Very shortly, the hat cried out the same, “GRYFFINDOR!” and Gideon came up and joined his brother at the table. They both grinned at Molly, and she beamed back.

Then she felt Arthur’s hand on her shoulder, and she turned to face warm blue eyes and a cheeky grin. “Congrats, big sis,” he said as he looked down at her, and she beamed back, he stomach churning anew, at his eyes on hers, his smile, and the touch of his hand.

It was Molly Prewett’s third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and she was as hopelessly in love as ever.


It snowed Christmas Eve and when Molly woke up in the morning the whole world was covered in a beautiful blanket of twinkling white. It glistened from the trees and all the houses surrounding the Prewett’s. She spent a few minutes at the window just staring at the glittering world outside, breathing in air so crisp it hurt, before she went downstairs to the chaos that her brothers would inevitably cause.

Her door crashed in a moment later and in tumbled her brothers, their identical red heads rolling around each other in their eagerness, bringing their chaos to her.

“Molly, come down, Mum and Dad are getting up, come on!”

The twins turned and dashed off down the hall to the stairs. They were gone so quick that Molly didn’t even have time to decide which twin had spoken. She followed their fading footsteps into the hall, where she ran into her father.

“Happy Christmas darling,” He said and gave her a quick hug. “Let’s get down there before the boys tear it all apart, yeah?”

“Happy Christmas Dad,” The shared a smile as Molly’s mother’s voice could be heard from the kitchen, telling the boys to be patient. “Tea’s on,” She said as they all entered the family room, stopping to greet her daughter and hug her as well.

“Can we open them now?” Fabian and Gideon chorused in tandem as the rest of the family sat down.

“Yes, dig in boys,” their Dad said, and Molly grinned. Christmas had truly begun.

** ** **

A few hours later they were all settled around the kitchen table, feasting on quiche and toast. Molly laughed at her brothers as they praised their presents. Both boys had been gifted with a brand new Cleansweep, and were thrilled that they would be allowed to take them to Hogwarts. Being in second year had its advantages.

The Prewetts looked up suddenly at the tapping on the window. Mrs. Prewett got up and went to the window, opening it to let in the post owl which fluttered about the room and came to sit on Molly’s shoulder, digging its claws into her flesh through her pajamas. It dropped a small parcel in her hands and accepted a bite of toast before pushing off and soaring out the window again, leaving a trail of melted snow that dripped down Molly’s neck and made soggy spots in the toast.

Molly stared in shock at the paper wrapped box in her hand, none of them were expecting gifts in the post, they had all been opened that morning, and Molly had exchanged gifts with her friends before leaving Hogwarts.

“Go on and open it dear,” Her mother said, and she did, as the whole family watched to find out who had sent it.

Molly pulled the damp paper off the box and opened it gingerly, completely at a loss as to what it might be, and who it was from.

She gasped as she looked inside, for there on a crisply folded piece of parchment lay a small silver pendant; a unicorn with it’s forelegs raised, a small gem winking from its eye. It's mane, tail and horn glimmering in the light reflected through the window from the snow outside.

“Oh my,” She heard her mother say as if from far away, as she grasped the chain it sat on and pulled it from the box. She continued to stare at it, amazed that anyone would think to send her such a beautiful gift, and wondering who on earth would remember that she loved unicorns above all other magical creatures. Even her wand was made from the tail hair of a unicorn.

“Who is it from Molly?” Her father asked, as clearly surprised by the gift as Molly was. He and her mother shared a look as Molly swallowed tightly and reached for the parchment that still lay in the box.

Her mother took the pendant from her and pulled her hair to the side, laying it on her chest and doing up the clasp as Molly opened the note with trembling fingers.

She was hoping and praying and wishing that she knew who it was from, but all the time knowing that she must be wrong, knowing that he would not think enough of her to buy such a thoughtful and beautiful gift. ‘No,’ she thought, ‘Sarah or Lindsay must have bought it and forgot to give it to me.’ Her mind scrambled to think of which friend was more likely to have sent it, and was not successful in choosing before she read the note.

It said, simply.

Happy Christmas Molly.

I hope this finds you well, and that you will love it as I believed you would when I saw it. It could only be for you.

I’ll look for you on the train.


Molly put her hand to her mouth, unable to read it out loud, though her whole family was waiting to hear. Instead she could only look up at her mother in shock, not daring to believe it was true until someone else had read it as well.

Mrs. Prewett took the note gently and read it to the rest of the family as Molly blushed. She could not believe it. Why would her send her such a gift? Did her fancy her?

Her heart almost stopped at the idea, and she couldn’t help herself as her lips turned up at the thought. Perhaps he did fancy her.

“Molly,” her father said. She looked up at him, she knew she was grinning like an idiot, but she didn’t care.

“Is this from the youngest Weasley boy?” He asked. She nodded, beaming now at her mother as her brothers watched amusedly, munching their toast.

“Well then,” Her father said. “We’ll have to have the lad around for a visit this summer, I suppose.” He said, as her mother patted his hand and smiled down at her husband. Molly could do nothing but continue to grin hugely at them all, as the warmth blossomed through her chest at the thought of seeing Arthur on the train back to Hogwarts.

It was her best Christmas yet, and one she would never forget.


Blinding sunlight gleamed off the first snow of the year. It had fallen over the Hogwarts grounds last night, blinding in it's intensity as Molly trudged towards the castle with her friends and classmates. Care of Magical Creatures was their last class of the day, and they were all cold wet and ready for dinner. The lesson had been an interesting one but Molly was very relieved it was over.

She stomped the snow off her boots in the entrance hall, slipping a bit, the floor was wet with the melting snow from dozens of boots. Strong hands reached out and grabbed her before she went down, and she stiffened slightly, knowing without a doubt whose arms had caught her.

“Thanks Arthur,” She said, turning to smile at him. She thought he must have come from Potions, he still smelled of fire and potions ingredients, but she would have known regardless. She was well aware of his schedule by this point.

He joined her and her friends for the walk back to the tower, asking her about their lesson and entertaining the girls with a story about his own experiences with the same lesson. Once at the tower she and her friends continued up to the dorm to change before dinner.

“Molly, are you and Arthur ever going to get it together?” Lindsay asked her unabashedly as she combed the snow out of her hair. She and Sarah shared a glance at Molly’s blush.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Molly sniffed, rummaging in her trunk for a pair of dry socks.

“Really?” Sarah chimed in. “Molly, you’ve liked him since first year, and don’t try to tell us otherwise, we live with you, remember?”

Lindsay replied, “Yes, and he obviously likes you. 6th years just don’t spend that much time with 5th years, Mol, it’s not normal.”

Molly sniffed again, her cheeks reddening further. She told herself they were just being silly, Arthur was friendly to everyone. And she told them so. Both girls laughed at that, and when they were done, still wiping tears from their eyes, Lindsay tried again, this time hammering her point home.

“Well, he doesn’t send everyone jewelry for Christmas, now does he?” she asked, and Molly was unable to reply to that. She still wore the pendant he had given her under her clothes, rarely taking it off, something her friends would surely harass her for had they known.

“Well, that was last year. Besides, we’re friends.” The other girls laughed again and Molly, having reached the limits of her patience, grabbed up he book bag and stomped to the door.

“If you two are going to be this way, I’m going to go down and spend my time more productively.” With that she spun and left the dorm, not noticing the knowing glances her friends exchanged behind her back.

Molly huffed as she went down the stairs. Her friends liked to poke fun at her, but this was a bit of a sore spot to Molly. She had accepted now that she was in love with Arthur, and every morning she woke up hoping he would ask her on a date, that he would tell her he loved her too and her own embarrassment about the situation kept her from having much of a sense of humor where Arthur was concerned. She never laughed about him, only with him.

When she arrived in the common room she began looking for a table, unsuccessfully until a voice called out her name. She turned to see Arthur sitting with several of his friends at a table near the fire, his grin was wide as he motioned her over. She smiled back shyly but made her way over to the table anyway.

The other boys had collected up their books and were taking their leave as she walked up, greeting her as they turned towards the stairs to the boy’s dorm. Molly sat beside Arthur, dropping her book bag to the floor with a thump. They sat in the silence for a few moments, both deep in thought, until Arthur broke the stillness, turning his chair a bit closer to Molly’s and sighing deeply.

“So,” He started nervously. Molly looked at him questioningly, her eyes draw to the table where he was tracing a particularly long gouge with his finger.

“Hogsmeade this weekend,” He continued and Molly grimaced. She had all but decided not to go. By 5th year the trips were no longer a novelty and since both her friends had other plans this time, she was left feeling adrift. Better just to say home, or so she had thought.

“Yeah, I guess,” She replied with a shrug. “I thought I’d use the quiet to write a letter to my cousin.”

“Oh?” he asked. “No plans to go?”

Molly shook her head and Arthur shuffled a little, and they fell into another awkward silence. It was strange, Molly thought, they’d never really been awkward with each other before. Something had changed, or was changing.

“Molly,” Arthur said suddenly, turning to face her full on. “Will you go with me? I mean, just the two of us.” He plucked at the edge of the chair nervously. “I thought we could browse the shops, maybe have lunch at the Three Broomsticks, the usual, I know…but I just thought maybe you’d like to…I mean, I-I would love your company.”

He looked at her hopefully, and Molly felt happiness bubble up inside.

“You-you mean…” she stuttered. “L-Like a date?”

“Yes. Just like a date.” Arthur said, confidently now.

Their eyes met and Molly felt a wide smile spread across her face, mimicking the one Arthur was sporting.

“I’d love to,” She answered quickly.

“Great,” He replied with and answering smile.

They smiled at each other for several moments, oblivious that the rest of the world was continuing around them, until the moment was broken by Molly’s friends who had entered the common room and moved towards Arthur and Molly with a shout.

Molly looked up at them, unable to wipe the silly grin off her face, she watched them exchange a knowing glance.

“Molly, are you ready to go down to dinner?” Sarah asked quietly as the approached the table. Before Molly could reply, their friend spoke up.

“Hi, Arthur,” Lindsay said pointedly. “How are you?” she asked, her eyes never leaving his face.

“I’m wonderful,” He said; his face wide and beaming. “I’ll see you ladies at dinner.” He said as he got up from the table, his hand brushing Molly’s as he gathered up his books.

“Bye Molly,” He said before turning away towards the dorm. She smiled shyly at him.

“Bye Arthur,” She replied.

Her friends exchanged another glance, watching as Molly watched Arthur make his way to the stairs leading up to the boy’s dorms.

“Come on Molly, let’s go to dinner.” Sarah said again, and this time Molly got up and followed her friends through the portrait hole.

** ** **

When Saturday finally came, Molly met Arthur after breakfast and they walked into Hogsmeade together. The day passed and despite Molly’s nervousness they were comfortable with each other, and soon the butterflies that had taken up residence in Molly’s belly had quieted, leaving only a happy, contented feeling. They laughed and talked as they ever did and it was not until the walk back to Hogwarts when Arthur took her hand that Molly felt the butterflies flutter awake inside her again.

Arthur led her by the hand across the Hogwarts grounds, heading towards the lake rather than back to the castle. They weren't ready to go back and dinner was still over an hour away, so they took their time.

They sat side by side and looked out over the lake, now talking, now silent, until Arthur leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. Molly gasped with surprise and turned to face him, finding his face only inches away.

They gazed into each other’s eyes for a long moment and then Arthur leaned in again, this time catching her lips in a gentle kiss. A warm glow suffused Molly’s body, originating in her chest and giving new life to her limbs as he kissed her again, and she kissed him back.

They broke apart some minutes later, both a little breathless. Molly knew she was grinning like an idiot, but it was okay, Arthur was too. He put his arm around her and they sat in comfortable silence as the shadows lengthened around them.

Soon it was time to go and they stood, taking each other’s hands automatically as if it were the natural state of things. Perhaps it was, perhaps it always had been. They started back slowly towards the castle and just when Molly was thinking her heart could not hold anymore happiness, Arthur stopped and tuned to face her, taking her free hand in his own. He leaned in to kiss her sweetly before pulling hack again.

“Molly,” he said, quietly, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

Her heart stopped at the question, and for a moment she could not breathe, much less talk, so she answered him the only way she could in such a state.

She threw her arms around his neck, peppering his lips with soft kisses, thrilling in the feel of his arms as they wrapped around her in response.

Their kisses grew deeper until suddenly there were tongues involved and instead of being messy or awkward it was wonderful, freeing, intoxicating. The kiss grew ever more passionate for several moments before softening again; they were worshiping each other with their lips.

They separated and pressed their foreheads together; Arthur whispered, “Is that a yes?”

Molly smiled brightly at him. “Yes it’s a yes.”

He smiled brightly back at her, hugging her close for a moment before they turned and started towards the castle again, hand in hand. As the sun set over the lake behind them Molly knew that things like this did not happen often, and that she was part of something special. And there was nothing as wonderful as holding Arthur’s, her boyfriend’s, hand.


A sliver of light from under the door illuminated two pairs of feet, placed very close to each other and surrounded by various cleaning accessories. The owners of the feet were oblivious to what they shared the cupboard with, they were far too occupied in erasing memories from a long lonely summer.

Hands roamed and grasped, lips clinging and tongues thrust wetly, without grace, instead with the impatience born of a desperation that left no room for skill. It didn’t matter, they were both seduced already, and thoroughly, their only goal now was remembering the feel and taste of each other, the joys of touching each other.

Arthur had spent his last summer before graduation working as an intern in the Ministry’s Muggle Liaison office, and the job left him too busy to visit Molly often. They had made do with only two visits and had spent the summer waiting most impatiently for September 1st to come around again. They had not seen each other for 5 weeks. When September finally came, Molly had been ecstatic, having Arthur mostly to herself again was like a dream.

In all the chaos that usually surrounded the first week of school, they had been unable to find more than a few minutes to themselves, a few minutes to be alone together. It was Friday now though, they were free from homework, for a few hours at least, so they took their opportunity with both hands and had fled Gryffindor Tower in search of some privacy.

Being the impatient teens that they were, they had only made it as far a broom closet on the 5th floor before they fell into each other, clinging with lips and fingers. They kissed deeply, wrapped tightly around each other in desperate hunger; the long summer they had spent separated had only brought them closer together. The separation had been almost unbearable, but it was over now, and they were determined to banish the memory.

They had no idea how long they had been there for, slaking their thirst for each other but when the door opened suddenly, filling the small room with dazzling light they had worked themselves into quite a state.

Pringle, the castle caretaker, had heard muffled noises emerging from inside the broom cupboard and, after many years in his job, he knew exactly what those noises indicated. He was not however, prepared for the sight that greeted him when he flung to door open to confront the fraternizing students inside.

Arthur and Molly were kneeling on the floor, hair mussed, lips reddened and eyes wild. Molly sat astride Arthur’s lap with her back to the wall and her hands in his shaggy red hair. Her shirt was untucked and partially undone, as was his, but while her hands were in plain sight, his were not, being currently buried beneath her clothes as he held her close.

They both gasped in shock as the light blinded them, looking very much like the proverbial deer in the headlights as they blinked and squinted, trying to make out the identity of the interruption. They did not have long to wait.

“OUT! NOW!” Pringle bellowed, his wizened face purpled with rage. Arthur and Molly scrambled to their feet, attempting to straighten their clothing, to maintain some semblance of dignity.

Pringle was fuming. Not only were they out after curfew, they had been in his best broom cupboard and they had made quite a mess out of it. Brooms, mops, buckets and jugs of magical cleaner were scattered haphazardly around the small room, the floor dotted with sponges knocked from the top shelf. Several items had fallen out of the closet when he had opened the door, lying in a pool around his feet.

“How dare…cupboard…prefect!” he sputtered, infuriated all the more when he spotted the prefects badge pinned on Arthur’s robe. “You!” he thundered at Molly. “Back to the dorm. NOW!”

With one last terrified glance at Arthur, which he attempted to return reassuringly she bolted away. She was deeply worried for him, it was apparent he was to take the load of he blame for their indiscretions. She scurried back to Gryffindor Tower, stopping before she approached the portrait to readjust her hair and clothes.

The common room was almost empty, there were several small groups of students remaining, scattered about; one studying and the rest chatting or playing Wizards Chess and Exploding Snap. Her friends were not there however, they must be in the dorm, and for once Molly was grateful.

She sat down heavily in an armchair not far from the fire, distanced enough that the other students would not expect her to socialize. A few greeted her, smirking at her telling appearance, but no one thought to ask about Arthur’s absence. She was exceedingly worried about him though and, as worrying was one of the things she did best, that was saying something.

Molly waited in the common room for almost an hour and a half. All the other students had gone to bed, leaving her alone by the fire when the portrait finally opened and a white faced Arthur stumbled inside.

“Arthur!” Molly cried out in relief as she dashed forward to help him to the couch. He gave a small cough as he sat down, settling in gingerly. “Are you alright?” she asked apprehensively. Arthur nodded.

“I’m fine Molly, really.” Arthur smiled at her and cupped her cheek. “Boy, Pringle can really yell. He bellowed at me for I don’t know how long. Then he made me scrub Myrtle’s bathroom. Luckily he forgot to forbid me from using magic. Still, what a chore that was.”

“Oh, Arthur,” Molly soothed, brushing the thick red hair off his forehead. “Is that all?” she asked.

“No, we both have detention on Monday and Tuesday, but it could have been worse.” He smiled at her, and kissed her softly.

“I’m sorry Arthur,” Molly whispered against his lips.

“Don’t apologize,” He replied. “It was worth it. I’d do it again.” He grinned at her mischievously. “Tomorrow?” he asked, his eyes sparkling.

Molly laughed and hugged him close, completely smitten and so at home, happy to be back at Hogwarts and in his arms. But it was almost two years later before she saw the marks and learned what had really happened that night and the punishment he had borne, for both of them.


Seventh Year was long and peaceful. And also boring. Molly found she had plenty of time to study, something which would surely resulted in better NEWT scores, but without Arthur there the time seemed to pass slowly. She missed him intensely.

Arthur had taken up a position in the Ministry, hoping for advancement as the years went by, and Molly was very proud of him. Ministry work was always respectable, even if one did have to start from the bottom. They exchanged letters and had several greatly anticipated meetings in Hogsmeade, but mostly Molly missed him. She knew that year, irrevocably, that she wanted to be with him always.

Finally, finally the year was ending, NEWTS were scheduled for the next week and Molly was eager to finish. The Saturday after the exams was a Hogsmeade weekend for the seventh year students, so Molly was thrilled when, while she was eating her breakfast in preparation for a long day of Charms exams, Arthur's owl (a clumsy young bird named Errol) landed in front of her with a letter addressed in Arthur's writing.

She opened it and was thrilled to read:

My dear Molly,

Good luck on your upcoming exams. I know you have studied hard, and you have always been a good student, so I am sure you will do wonderfully. Try to enjoy yourself, yes? Particularly during the practicals, I've always found that enjoying the performance helped with the results.

Besides the good wishes, I am writing for a particular purpose. That is, to invite you to meet me in Hogsmeade this weekend. There is plenty of work to be done, surely, but I found myself missing you enough that I am willing to work double on Sunday in order to see you. Perhaps it would not be so pressing if I didn't have something in mind to speak to you about, but as I do, I find it can't wait for the following week.

I know you must be eager to spend the trip enjoying your last Hogsmeade visit with your friends, so I hope you can spare me an hour or so. Seeing you would make my week complete. I am eager for the end of the school year, when we can see each other on a more regular basis.

Missing you, very much. Good luck on your NEWTS. Write me as soon as you can.

All my love,


Molly's smile was wide as she dug a piece of parchment out of her bag and penned a quick reply, affirming the date and reminding him yet again that seeing him is no imposition, quite the opposite. She chuckled to herself, Arthur was not at all presumptuous, in fact, at times he seemed quite certain that she would meet someone else, that she couldn't possibly want to spend time with him. He was a silly man, that much was certain. So Molly let him know, with words and deeds, that she wanted to be with him, only him and that she did not foresee this changing in the future. Ever.

When Saturday finally came, Molly was exhausted. Her NEWTS had lived up to their name. But she was also excited and eager to meet Arthur. When she saw him waiting for her just outside of the village, she could not stop from running to meet him and throwing her arms around his neck.

Arthur laughed, clasping her tightly. He held her for a few moments before pulling back, leaning down immediately to kiss her softly. She returned the kiss with enthusiasm, but he pulled back after a moment and smiled down at her instead.

“How I missed you,” He said, pleased at the sunny smile she wore.

“Oh, I missed you too, Arthur, love.” Molly said. “I'm so happy you could see me today. Only one more week and then I'm done.” She let him clasp her hand and lead her off the path toward a clearing she knew lay some way into the wood. They had picnicked there before, while in school together and on their previous visits during the past year.

“It seems just yesterday the year was starting, but here we are at the end of it.” Arthur replied as they walked.

“Has it really gone that fast for you?” Molly said. “It's seemed like forever to me.”

Arthur blushed. “Well, perhaps I exaggerated a little bit. It seemed to last forever while we endured it, but now that it's almost over, it seems to have passed quickly.”

“I suppose,”

“Well, at any rate, it's a lovely day and we are together, if only for awhile. Let's eat, shall we?”

They had reached the clearing they had used many times before, and Arthur had brought a picnic lunch for them, spread on a flannel blanket and covered in charms to keep insects and animals away. Molly grinned. Dear Arthur, he thought of everything.

The afternoon passed swiftly. Their lunch was hearty and well enjoyed, and so was the snogging. Neither of them wanted to go any further in such a public area, but they couldn't help indulging themselves, especially since it had been so long.

At long last, Molly pulled back.


“Mmm,” Arthur's reply was muffled, as he still had his head tucked into Molly's neck.

“Didn't you have something to say? It's getting late, and I don't want you to forget.”

Arthur sat up, reluctantly. “I do, you're right,” he said, digging around in his pockets for a moment before facing her again.

“Molly, I know you're just out of school, and I'm sure there's plenty of things you want to do once you've graduated, but...” He trailed off, unsure of how to continue, His confidence, or what little he'd had of it, seemed to dissipate. He swallowed heavily, looking into Molly's lovely eyes. She smiled softly at him, and his courage rose. He was a Gryffindor, after all.

“I love you, Molly,” He said, taking her hand.

Molly scooted a bit closer. “I love you too, Arthur. But you already knew that...”

“I did, but sometimes I still can't quite believe it.”

“Well, it's true. You're a wonderful man, Arthur Weasley.” She smiled brightly at him.

“I'm glad to hear you say that. Molly, you...well I...what I mean to say is...”

“Arthur,” Molly interrupted squeezing the hand that was still holding hers.

“Right, to the point then,” He looked into her eyes again and spoke, his voice only wavering slightly. “Molly Prewett, will you marry me?”

Molly was frozen in astonishment. She wanted nothing more than to spend her life with the man beside her, and the thought that he wanted that too...well, it was rather overwhelming. Her mind began to spin with the possibilities. They could be married in the summer...or perhaps not until the winter. A December wedding would be lovely. Then she'd get pregnant, they had already discussed what kind of family they wanted, it was just one more thing thing that connected them, that pulled their futures together. And now it was coming true.

“Uh, Molly?”

Her head snapped up, meeting Arthur's anxious eyes. “Oh, Arthur, I'm sorry,” she said, her cheeks pinking with embarrassment. “Of course, yes!”

He grinned brightly. “Yes? You...really?”

“Of course, you big idiot,” Molly said, laughing. She threw her arms around his neck, overbalancing him and toppling them both onto the ground. Arthur held her close and kissed her, his enthusiasm taking her over until she found herself on her back beneath him, tears sliding down her face as he kissed her neck.

“Molly?” Arthur pulled back, brushing the tears from her face gently. “What's wrong?”

“Nothing,” she replied. “It's wonderful, I just can't believe it.” He smiled down at her, and she could see the love in his eyes, knowing it was mirrored in her own.

“Believe it,” he said, before leaning down to kiss her again.


The house was quiet at last, the chaos of the day had faded. Arthur was making her a cup of tea and the midwives had left, leaving Molly alone with her brand new son. She traced a fingertip down his soft cheek, grinning when he scrunched his nose up. He was perfect.

The delivery had been fairly quick, but Molly was still exhausted. She would sleep soon, but first she and Arthur had to agree on a name. It wasn't as easy as it had seemed to Molly before she delivered him, and he deserved a good, strong name. She played with the single tuft of bright red hair on his otherwise bald head, giggling to herself like a child. She was filled with excitement and adrenalin still, despite her exhaustion, and the result was a rather giddy new mother.

Arthur came into the room just then, carrying two mugs of steaming tea.

“What's so funny?” he asked, settling on the bed beside her, taking the baby so she could pick up the tea he'd placed on the table.

“It's just so strange,” Molly took a sip of tea, the heat joining the warmth inside her at the sight of her husband cooing to their son.

“I know,” Arthur replied, kissing the baby's forehead. “Can you believe we're parents? It's crazy.”


They sat for a few moments, the silence broken only by the snuffles and grunts of the baby as he roused and then settled into sleep once more. Finally, Arthur spoke.

“So, what are we going to name him?”

“I was thinking about that. What do you think of William?” She reached over to touch him again, still uncertain that this was real.

“I like it,” Arthur smiled at her. “But it's awfully big for a baby. Hmmm,” he contemplated his son for a moment before grinning at his wife.

“I think he looks like a Bill...what do you say?”

Molly agreed. “Bill it is, then. Officially, William Arthur Weasley.”

Arthur looked up at her in surprise. “You want to name him after me?”

“There's no man I love more,” she said, smiling up at him. Every moment since she first saw him in the Gryffindor common room her love had grown, and this was not the end. Their love would continue to grow, as would their family, until their small house was filled with laughter and love, fit to burst.

Arthur kissed her softly before handing the baby back to her, settling them both in for a nap. “Oh, how you've captured my heart, Molly Weasley,” He said before moving to gather up their teacups, placing them aside.

He snuggled in beside them properly, wrapping an arm around her as she held the baby. The quiet settled in once more, the peace of love and security, flush with fresh joy at the new, spectacular life in her arms.

“My Bill,” she whispered, stroking his cheek again. “Welcome to the family.”

het!fic, arthur/molly

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