To the Victor go the Spoils

Aug 19, 2008 16:17

Title: To the Victor go the Spoils

Rating: NC 17

Pairing: Jack/Ianto

Word Count: Just over 2000

Notes: Smutty interlude from ' Turnabout is Fair Play'

Jack was gaining on him. It wasn't a surprise, but Ianto didn't want to do this in the corridor, so he started to walk a little faster. They arrived in the main archive room shortly, just as Jack was pulling level with him. Ianto knew the game was on when he felt the warmth of Jack's body press closer to his back.

“Does this mean you're forfeiting?” Ianto asked, biting back a moan as Jack sucked heartily on his neck.

Jack growled, making Ianto shiver in time with the vibrations on his neck.

“Yes, damn you,” Jack said. His hands rested on Ianto's hips while his lips continued their assault on his neck.

“Hmm,” Ianto murmured, tilting his head to the side and giving Jack better access. The hands on his hips tightened, pulling him back against the hardness of Jack's body. There was one part harder than the rest though, and Ianto rubbed his arse against it until Jack moaned.

He twisted when Jack's lips lifted off his neck, wrapping his arms around Jack's waist and pressing their groins together. Jack moaned again, and kissed him.

“You do realize,” Ianto said when Jack's lips slid from his and began sucking his neck again, sure fingers making quick work of the buttons under Ianto's tie. “That you've never actually beaten me at this game?”

Jack pulled back, brow furrowed in consternation. “Yes, I have,” he said.

“No, you haven't” Ianto replied, unable to resist smirking.

“Yes, I have,” Jack insisted.

“Oh?” Ianto fought to keep from breaking out into a grin at such a childish argument. Jack was so easy to rile up. “When?”

Jack looked petulant. “I specifically remember...the time with the...” Jack frowned, trying to place his alleged win. Ianto raised a sceptical brow and waited.

“You can't think of any, can you?” Ianto asked, beginning to unfasten Jack's belt.

“Well, the sheer volume is rather overwhelming,” he said, grinning innocently at Ianto and helping to unfasten his slacks.

“I suppose in your imagination, it is,” Ianto replied, chuckling a little as he began to unbutton Jack's shirt.

“Stop humoring me, I have...” Jack huffed and then changed the subject. “Why are we talking when I could be fucking you instead?” he asked, sure fingers undoing Ianto's trousers now. Ianto stopped what he was doing and grabbed Jack's hands, halting them.

“What makes you think you'll be fucking me?” Ianto asked, and Jack shivered. He loved it when Ianto swore. It was so rare, and only while they were alone and shagging. He had good memories connected with Ianto swearing.

“Don't deny that you love it,” Jack said, expertly avoiding the actual question.

“I'm not and I do,” Ianto replied, turning them around and walking Jack backwards until he was pressed against a filing cabinet just high enough to rest his arse on. “But this is my win, so it's my choice. And I choose to bend you over this cabinet right here and fuck you until you come so hard you forget your name.”

Jack's knees went just a little bit weak, and he nodded, speechless.

“Good,” Ianto said. “Because you really don't have a choice in the matter.”

“I don't?” Jack asked weakly.

“No,” Ianto replied, then leaned in and kissed him soundly, thrusting his tongue past Jack's lips before sucking Jack's tongue into his mouth harshly. Jack let out another moan, gripping Ianto's shoulders and giving himself up to the kiss. He loved it when Ianto got all forceful and demanding.

Ianto kissed him for a few more minutes then grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Jack's head back so that he could suck a bright red mark on his neck. They never lasted, Jack always healed too quickly to leave more than fleeting evidence, but Ianto didn't care. He liked how they looked, even if they only lasted a few hours.

Without warning he pulled back and yanked Jack's trousers and pants down, turned him around and bent him over the cabinet. He pressed his erection into the crease between Jack's buttocks, the clothing still between them dulled the sensations, but that wouldn't last long.

“Jesus, Ianto,” Jack breathed, trying to brace himself for what he knew was coming.

“Oh, yes, you love it when I bend you over and take you,” Ianto said, pushing one hand under Jack's shirt to rub the warm skin of his back while Ianto pulled his heavy erection out of his pants...leaving his trousers pulled up made it slightly difficult, but he wanted Jack to feel them against his naked buttocks.

“Gaah,” Was all Jack could vocalize, the hot pressure of Ianto's cock in his crease was inflammatory, the drag as it moved back and forth was like a drug, making all Jack's limbs heavy. And they hadn't even got to the fucking yet.

While Jack's brain was melting with anticipation, Ianto was busy, pulling out a packet of lubricant, (oh, if only Owen knew that Ianto ordered it by the case) ripping it open and holding it up. He still had one hand on the small of Jack's back, rubbing and soothing while it held him down in the position.

Ianto loved this, loved having the irrepressible Jack Harkness pinned and submissive under him. It was an amazing turn on. He loved submitting to Jack, almost as much, but this...this was truly fantastic. He held the packet of lube above where his cock was between Jack's cheeks and squeezed, dripping lube into the crack and over his cock. He slid in and out, back and forth enough to spread the lube around and the pulled back, holding the base of his cock so that he could press smoothly into Jack's body.

It was tight, oh, so tight, and he heard Jack gasp with the pain of penetration but he was soon moaning with pleasure, his body accustomed to the invasion. Ianto pulled back slowly before thrusting back in, taking care to ensure that Jack was fully relaxed before quickening his pace. He shifted a few times until he found Jack's prostate and then set about making Jack forget his name.

The pace was fast and the thrusts were hard, his cock nudging and sliding against Jack's prostate unerringly. Soon Jack was moaning and pushing back, his hands struggling to gain purchase on the smooth top of the cabinet and Ianto thrust him forward repeatedly. Before too long his body began to seize, and Ianto could tell by the huffs of breath and twitching of his hole around Ianto's cock that he was on the edge.

Ianto leaned over and spread himself over Jack's back, reaching up and grabbing a handful of Jack's hair and pulling until Jack's head was thrown back at an awkward angle. He kept thrusting, sure that he'd slid away from Jack's prostate, but knowing that by this point, it didn't matter. He was right. He slid his lips across the nape of Jack's neck and then bit down, hard, at the juncture of neck and shoulder. The shock of the sudden pain was enough to send Jack over the edge into orgasm. His muscles clenched around Ianto's cock almost painfully as his release splattered across the side of the cabinet.

“Ianto,” he gasped, panting with the strain of exertion, even as Ianto continued to pound into his receptive body.

“Yes, that's right,” Ianto said thickly, his own climax nearing it's peak. “You remember that.” He said as it began to overtake him. His thrusts became erratic as he crashed over the edge, emptying himself into Jack's body. He stayed there for a moment, until his limbs seemed like they would cooperate with him, draped over Jack's back like a cloak. Eventually his softened cock slipped out and he pushed himself upright, rubbing Jack's back and leaving a kiss on the bite mark before pulling away completely.

Jack straightened up too, holding on to the cabinet as he regained his balance. He took the wet wipe Ianto kept stashed around the Hub for just such an occasion, and wiped himself clean of lube and come, watching as Ianto did the same. His cock gave a twitch and he wished, not for the first time, that they weren't at work, that they had time for another go and maybe another after that. But indulgences would have to wait. Right now there was a team upstairs, likely growing suspicious.

Ianto cleaned and straightened his clothing, paying particular attention to his shirt and tie. It wouldn't do to give anything away, even though the others knew exactly what they were doing down here. When he was done, he stood and watched Jack, who was fastening the button of his jeans. He was slightly rumped, and his hair was sticking up where Ianto had tugged on it. Jack saw him watching and grinned up at him. Ianto motioned to his hair, and Jack made a half hearted attempt to flatten it. It still stuck up a bit, but Ianto just left it. It wasn't that bad, really...dishevelled was a good look on Jack, and it would drive the point home to the others. He was hoping this little display would scare them off asking more questions. Some times too much information was the only way to go.

"Well," Ianto said, and Jack grinned at him again.

"That was amazing," Jack said, and Ianto smiled back.

"It always is," he replied, agreeing.

"Hmm," Jack said, moving closer to wrap his arms around Ianto's waist. "That it is. But I'm still not convinced I haven't won,"

"Perhaps you should focus on winning in the future, instead of trying to remember something that has never happened." Ianto couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's growl. "In fact, I'll give you a head start. You can have the next round, on one condition."

"Oh?" Jack's face showed his scepticism. "How's that?"

"I'll forfeit the next round to you, if you do something for me."

"And how is that a win?" Jack asked.

"Oh, it's not a win...but perhaps it will give you the motivation you need to win tomorrow." Ianto wrapped his arms around Jack's neck and leaned over to kiss him gently.

Jack lifted a brow. "You think I can't do it?"

"It's not so much you can't as you haven't." Ianto replied. "I think you like losing so much that you have no impetuous to win."

"Is that right?"

"It is,"

"Well, I'll just have to show you otherwise, won't I?" Jack said, leaning in for another kiss.

"Yes, you will," Ianto said, stopping to breathe in the smell of Jack and sighing. He really did love being with Jack like this.

"I'll start with that forfeit, to give you a taste of what you'll be getting when I win,"

Ianto grinned as his plan fell right into place. "So you'll be meeting my condition then?" he asked.

"Right, the condition," Jack said. "What is it?"

"Nothing too difficult, I think," Ianto said, looking thoughtful, as if he hadn't known exactly what it was beforehand. "Why don't you finish that stack of paperwork on your desk that's been making my life difficult?"

Jack pulled back and gave Ianto an astonished look. "Paperwork? That's what you want? Seriously?"

Ianto endeavoured to look earnest. "It's my forfeit. But it has to be done by quitting time,"

"Alright, you're on," Jack said. "Paperwork indeed, it's something I have to do anyway."

Ianto grinned. "Yes, exactly. You'd better get on it though," He looked at his watch. "It's getting on to four."

"You're right, no time like the present," Jack kissed Ianto once more then pulled back and smacked him on the arse. "You coming?" He called over his shoulder as he headed out of the room.

"Yes," Ianto replied, following Jack out and up the stairs to the main Hub, taking in the view of his glorious arse and grinning at his own cleverness as they went. 'He never stood a chance,' he thought as they entered the Hub. 'Now, what game do I want to play tomorrow...'

jack/ianto, slash!fic, torchwood

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