A change can do you good.

Aug 20, 2008 15:46

Right, okay. So I've decided to unlock my journal.


Because I don't have an archive for Torchwood fic to link to and tbh, I don't want one. Now. In the future I plan to make a Torchwood page in addition to my HP page, but right now I can't be bothered. So, if I'm going to leave TW fic unlocked, it seems silly to lock my HP fic. So, I've unlocked it all.

I am considering marking the journal for explicit content...but I'm torn on the idea. Part of me likes it, in the hopes it will keep out the kiddies (if by some chance some of them come here) but otoh, if they're determined to get in, figuring out how is not hard. But the other part of me wonders if it's a good idea...if lj were to get crazy with deletions again, would having it marked for explicit content me more or less likely to paint a target on my back? I have no idea. Anyone?

If you've friended me just to see the fic feel free to defriend me since my fic for the foreseeable future will be unlocked, or keep me friended, if you wish. I'm not bothered either way. :D

I am planning on setting up a filter for the more personal posts, so if you want on that (as if my life is anywhere near as interesting as my fics) just let me know.

Obvious friends are obvious. Most of you should know who you are. ;)

Okay, that's it for the official business. Now, the fun.

I'm working on a timestamp for Something's Started (it's open in open office as I type) so those of you interested, keep your eyes peeled. Give me a week or so.

I've also been bitten by a small yet determined plot bunny for a sequel to Turnabout is Fair Play. So anyone who wants Jack to win, hang on to your pants. I'll start that as soon as Harry is done bottoming.

Also, I want to make over my journal. I'm planning to make a custom header, and I want some lovely animations for the sidebar (
cowboyhd ftw!) and I want it all pretty, so...if anyone can help me with any of that, I'd be grateful. I'll work it out on my own, but I would love to speed up the process.

That's all for now, folks! Ta.


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