I come bearing fic!

Sep 03, 2006 23:47

ETA: Here's the fic. ;)

Well, it’s finished. The ending came a lot faster than I thought it would, and I’ve been over it about 500 times, so I think it’ll be good to go. I may come back and go through it again in the future, but for now I just want to get it posted, get some feedback and see how it goes. Oh, and I work tomorrow so I wanted to have it posted tonight. So yeah, with this done I can focus on all the other fics floating around unfinished in my hard drive.

Alright, my computer is being uber stupid right now, and I just barely got the fic posted on 
slythindor100 so I’m just going to link it to the community for the time being…but I do plan on editing soon and posting it here so I can tag it. I can only hope the computer behaves. *growls at the computer*

Title: The Art of Making Admissions.

Rating: NC 17

Word Count: 9733ish
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Challenge: This fic was written for the 
slythindor100 Summer Challenge, and I think I have the word minimum covered! *giggles*
Warnings: boy!sex. and snogging, angst and fluff and a bit of ooc-ness.
A/N: This fic pretty much ignores HBP. It’s a 7th year fic, but they are all at school and everyone is alive. Except Sirius. *pouts* So basically, it’s AU. Umm, yeah, enjoy. *grins*

“Shut up or I’ll kiss you!” Draco said defiantly, challenge in his eyes as he glared at Harry. They had been fighting again, as usual, and the words had slipped out before his brain could register what he intended to say. The trouble was it was true. Oh, it was true, Draco would love to kiss Harry, but he had never envisioned telling the black haired boy like that; had not intended to tell him at all.

In this, their 7th and final year at Hogwart’s, their rivalry was as fierce as ever and Draco had found himself watching Harry more avidly than ever before, seeing him from a whole new perspective. An illuminating experience with an American wizard that summer had forced Draco to admit once and for all that he was gay. This admission had allowed him to open his eyes to things he had blinded himself to before, and he was still reeling from the view. The most shocking sight had greeted him as he arrived at Platform 9 and ¾, pulling his trunk behind him. His mother had said her goodbyes at home, leaving Draco to apparate to Kings Cross alone, thrilled that he was finally old enough to do so. When his eyes fell upon the familiar form of Harry Potter, Draco was forced to make another admission to himself, a more painful one this time. He wanted Harry Potter. Badly.

Harry had grown a few inches over the summer, his shoulders had broadened and his skin was nicely tanned. His hair had been cut and now stuck up in messy spikes all over his head. The boy really pulled off the tousled look; ‘Well shagged would be a better way to put it.’ thought Draco. Harry’s brilliant green eyes were now framed by lenses that better suited is face, leaving him looking totally different and exactly the same…a contradiction that Draco found ever so intriguing. The changes were not at all drastic, but somehow the overall effect was great, Harry was showing obvious signs of the gorgeous and powerful man he would become. He looked utterly shaggable, to Draco’s eyes, at least.

“Scratch that,” Draco thought irritably as he watched Harry’s progress across the platform, surrounded by his usual crowd of redheads Draco noted that he was by no means the only one watching the dark-haired Gryffindor with a predatory gleam in his eyes and lustful thoughts dancing in his head. “I’m not the only one who’s noticed he’s beautiful.” Draco completed his thought, feeling more than a little put out. He’d wanted Harry’s attention for years and it was right hard to get too, even without the rest of the school vying for it as well.

To maker matters worse, Harry seemed to have finally tapped into his extensive magical potential; Draco could feel the power emanating off Harry as the Gryffindor passed within a few feet of him. Draco had watched Harry extra close after that day and had redoubled his efforts to gain Harry’s attention, using innuendos as often as insults now to get under Harry’s skin. As much as Harry tried to ignore the taunting, and Draco could see that he was trying; it was clearly working. Harry had never failed to react to Draco’s taunts, his eyes flashing and his cheeks reddening fetchingly-‘Merlin, I have it bad’-and this new form of taunting was just as effective in garnering a response from Harry. In fact it was better, giving Draco a reason to believe his advances were not entirely unwelcome.

Draco hated himself for his weakness where Harry was concerned, but the other boy was like an addiction, a fire in his blood, and every time he saw Harry, flushed and tousled, he fell further into obsession. He steadfastly denied it was an obsession though, telling himself that he could give Harry up at any time, determined each day to do just that, but failing miserably, again and again, falling into bed every night with one thought in his head. Harry.

So, they had ended up here, only weeks after the term had begun, both out after curfew, trading taunts yet again. It had begun normally enough, with Draco threatening to take points from Harry for being out of his dorm, but Harry had only shrugged it off, unconcerned. Harry had become inured to such threats, as if he considered himself above such petty concerns as House points, and it infuriated Draco to no end. How dare Harry find yet another way to ignore him? So Draco began to push harder, digging deeper in an attempt to get Harry to respond, desperate to see the flushed and heated look that signified Harry’s anger.

So when Harry had accused Draco of acting like a spiteful child too wrapped up in his jealousy of Harry to grow into a man, Draco had snapped and the words had poured out before he could stop them. It was too late to take them back now.

Draco froze, certain that Harry would hex him or hit him, but instead Harry just stared at Draco for long moments, shocked.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Malfoy?” Harry asked; his voice low and deadly as he drilled Draco with a fierce green gaze.

Draco’s heart sped up and he could feel the heat of arousal rush through him, stronger now; he decided there was nothing he could do but brazen it out, and hope that he would be able to escape unscathed. Surely Harry would flee in disgust and leave Draco to wallow in his humiliation privately.

“Just what I meant, Potter.” Draco replied haughtily. “It’s the only option I have yet to try to shut you up; nothing else seems to have worked.”

“Is that right?” Harry asked, taking a few steps towards Draco with a predatory air, his eyes burning now with lust and determination. It was a look Draco had long desired to see on Harry’s face, one he had fantasized endlessly about, but faced now with the reality had Draco suddenly terrified.

Harry was close now, no more than a foot away from Draco, and his expression was fierce.

“I had always known you wanted a response from me, because you just never let up until I reacted to you.” Harry said, knowingly. “So I think what you’ve done is tell me how to shut you up!” He continued, staring intently into Draco’s eyes. “I think you want me to kiss you.” Harry said, moving closer still, his face now mere inches from Draco’s. “In fact, I’m sure of it.” Harry grinned triumphantly.

“Don’t’ be ridiculous.” Draco scoffed, but he couldn’t move, fear and arousal racing through his veins in tandem now, he could hardly breathe with Harry this close.

“You asked for it, Malfoy.” Harry murmured as he slid one hand into Draco’s hair, gripping the back of his neck and wrapping the other arm around Draco’s waist.

Somewhere in Draco’s mind there was a small voice telling him he should stop this, stop Harry before he kissed him, before it all came crashing down in pieces around Draco, his shattered walls, his defenses, all of him; but all thoughts of escape fled when Harry pulled him close and brushed soft lips against Draco’s.

Draco had thought Harry would kiss him roughly, brutally attacking Draco’s lips with teeth and tongue, but Harry’s lips were gentle and seductive, sucking Draco’s bottom lip between his own before letting go and pulling back, coaxing Draco’s soul out of his mouth, like some kind of perverse Dementor.

Draco struggled for composure, for something, anything to say to needle Harry, to gain his edge back, and with it, his defenses, but all he could come up with was: “You call that a kiss?”

Harry grinned evilly and replied, “No. That was just to soften you up, Draco. This is a kiss.” Harry’s lips captured Draco’s again, demanding this time, insisting that Draco respond, and he did, nipping and sucking at Harry’s lips until Harry pressed in further, opening Draco’s lips with his tongue.

Draco’s head spun, dizzy, as Harry deepened the kiss, persistently thrusting and exploring, evoking a response from Draco that was so passionate, that the Slytherin wondered if he had ever really kissed anyone before.

Draco’s response was unabashed, kissing Harry as if his life depended upon it. He could feel his arousal sharpen again, and his cock hardened further as Harry pushed closer, pressing Draco between the wall and his strong body, ravaging Draco’s mouth without restraint.

When Harry finally drew back, Draco found that his hands had made their way into Harry’s hair, buried in the soft strands as if of their own accord, his body pressed tight against Harry’s. He was hard, painfully so, and he could feel that Harry was too. A thrill shot through him and he relished the thought that he could affect the other boy so thoroughly. They were both breathing heavily, still wrapped around each other.

“That was a kiss, Draco.” Harry said, resting his head for a moment on Draco’s shoulder before pulling back. “Now behave yourself or I’ll have to shut you up again.” Harry said cheekily, letting go of Draco suddenly and backing up a few steps.

“Goodnight, Malfoy.” He said and then turned and strode purposefully away down the corridor, leaving Draco breathless and weak, his mind reeling and the shattered pieces of his denial in bits at his feet. He felt itchy and unsatisfied, and yearning for more.

Then he registered Harry’s parting words. Harry had assured Draco that he would do it again…all Draco had to do was give him the incentive. He just had to get Harry alone again and fling a few insults. Draco grinned and began to plot. Harry would be his.

Over the next two days Draco kept at Harry with a constant barrage of insults, threats and innuendo in an attempt to get Harry to kiss him again, but Harry remained unaffected, acting as if nothing unordinary had occurred between them at all. So Draco decided he needed to take things to the next level and began verbally harassing Harry’s friends, as well as any Gryffindor who dared to pass within a few feet of him.

Four days later Draco was becoming desperate. His libido was in overdrive and no amount of wanking over memories of Harry’s kiss was able to give him any relief, his climax came and went and he felt as empty and itchy as when he had begun. He was still hard every time he saw, heard of, or thought of Harry.

Clearly, wanking wasn’t working, but Draco could not bring himself to seek out another partner, or even choose one of the many who propositioned him since the start of the school year. The thought of someone other than Harry kissing him or touching him left Draco feeling bereft. He had eyes for no one but Harry. No one else could slake his lust; there was no one else he wanted. His denial was long gone, lost somewhere in that dark corridor where Harry had kissed him.

Soon Saturday came around, five days after their kiss, and Draco found him self in the entrance hall, throwing hexes and jinxes at random Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, even the occasional Ravenclaw; out of desperation. He was about to call it a day when he felt a strong hand grip his arm and pull him away, down a quiet corridor.

The hand let go and Draco stopped, searching the hall for the person the hand belonged to, but he saw nothing. “Hello?” he queried, confused now. “Potter?”

Just then he felt a shimmering material slip over his head to settle around his body, and he found himself face to face with the object of his lust.

“Potter, what the fuck is this?” Draco asked, reaching out to touch the fabric that covered them both.

“It’s my invisibility cloak.” Harry answered. “I don’t want anybody to see this, and I’m sure you’ll agree.”

Draco looked up and met Harry’s eyes and was floored by the piercing look Harry was giving him.

“Just what are you on about, Malfoy?” Harry asked, gripping Draco by the arms and effectively freezing him in place.

“I’m sure I don’t’ know what you’re talking about, Potter.” Draco replied haughtily, the close confines of the cloak and Harry’s proximity leaving him slightly lightheaded and suddenly aroused.

“Bullshit!” Harry exclaimed, giving Draco a shake that set the blonde’s pulse to hammering wildly. “You do know.” Harry continued. “You’ve been worse than ever these past few days, you’ve been surly and out of control, hexing anyone who so much as looks at you, lashing out at anyone who dares to get close. The whole school is running around in fear of being caught at the business end of your wand.” Draco felt a thrill go through him at Harry’s unintended double meaning.

“You’ve been acting like the world’s biggest prat, even more than usual. It has to stop!” Harry gave Draco one more shake, demanding an answer with a threatening glare.

Draco could only say, “So what are you going to do about it, Potter?” with a challenge in his eye. Harry grinned at that, knowing what Draco was wanting. “So…that’s what this is about. You want me to kiss you again. You want it so bad you’ve been acting out on purpose, just to get my attention, haven’t you?”

Draco snorted. “Congratulations, Potter, you’ve just uncovered the core of our relationship these last 6 years.” They both froze, Harry in surprise and Draco in the shame that accompanied yet another unbidden admission. It was ever the more shameful for having been made to Harry at the same time as Draco himself had realized it. Draco closed his eyes to cover his embarrassment, an act that was pointless considering their proximity beneath the cloak.

Then Harry reached up and tugged on a piece of Draco’s hair, causing him to open his eyes. He found himself staring directly into a calculating green gaze.

“You could have just asked.” Harry stated. “No need to involve the whole school.” Draco was so astounded at Harry’s admission that he had only to ask Harry for a snog. The thought had never even occurred to him.

Just then Harry pulled Draco closer, wrapping his free arm around Draco’s waist, and all such thoughts fled. Draco froze as Harry drew him in closer; his heart was pounding and his cock hardening further. He could smell Harry, could feel his body so close, could sense the power swirling around Harry. There was no denying it, Harry was intoxicating. Had Draco always been this addicted, and just never known it?

“I want you to say it, Draco.” Harry growled. “Tell me you want me, and I promise you’ll get more than you bargained for.”

Draco shivered at Harry’s words, arousal sharpening now as he felt Harry’s hand massaging the back of his neck. His arousal was battling with his pride, his desire for Harry struggling against his fear of letting go, of making that admission to Harry. It was hard enough to make to himself. Draco struggled for a long moment, but he knew what the outcome would be. He knew he would give in. With Harry so close, after the memory of their first kiss, there could be no doubt in Draco’s mind that his pride would lose.

When he felt Harry’s tongue on his neck, he let it go at last; he gave in to the inevitable. Harry’s body was hard against his, pressing into him insistently, and there could be no m ore resistance.

“Oh god.” He groaned, rubbing hard into Harry, his hand reaching around the other boy’s waist, pressing closer still. “God, Harry, I want you. Want you so much.” He strove to get closer, desperate for more.

Harry chuckled against his throat, the rich sound reverberating through Draco, sending tingles of pleasure through his body and into his limbs.

“Is that so?” Harry asked, triumph in his voice as a hand slid down Draco’s back to cup a buttock. Harry’s mouth was doing wicked things to his throat, licking and nipping; sucking, drawing Draco’s skin into his mouth, demanding a response.

“Yes.” Draco moaned. “Yes, I do, I want you, god, so much. Harry please!” Draco begged, shameless now. When a Malfoy does something, he does it right, and this was no different; Draco begged without restraint, desperate for Harry to kiss him again, to touch him more, more, more. Harry’s touch had sparked a fire in him that he hadn’t known was banked there and it blazed to life with arousal for the boy wrapped around him.

“Good boy.” Harry said smartly, pulling back slightly, then his lips covered Draco’s and his tongue was inside and they were kissing, passionately, fiercely, hands roaming, erections pressed as tight as they could, searching for more friction.

Only when Draco was rutting helplessly against him did Harry pull back, breaking the kiss. Draco groaned his desperation, causing Harry to let out another deep chuckle.

“Please, don’t stop. I need more, more of you, please Harry.” Draco begged again, pushing forward in an attempt to recapture Harry’s lips, but Harry denied him.

“I don’t think a kiss will be enough, Draco.” Harry said. “Not enough for what you’ve put us through this past week. Besides,” He continued, laving Draco’s neck from shoulder to jaw with a warm tongue. “I want something else from you. I’m quite sure I have a solution for our little problem here, but I need to test your willingness. And your talent.”

Harry pulled back and met Draco’s eyes, looking right into him with knowing eyes.

“Will you submit?” Harry asked, challenging. Draco’s pride made another quick appearance, but Draco was too far gone now, with Harry pressing his thick arousal against Draco’s matching length.

“Yes, please anything.” Draco pleaded; his cheeks flushed with his excitement. Harry gave him a beatific smile and pulled back fully, releasing Draco. For a fleeting moment Draco was sure that this was the end and Harry was going to leave him like this, desperate and pleading; returning to his Gryffindor friends, having humiliated Draco completely. Malfoys never begged, or so his father had told him, repeatedly, but Draco had begged Harry, shameless and unrepentant. Lucius Malfoy had spent 16 years indoctrinating Draco in the belief that, as purebloods and Malfoys, they were better than other wizards, and like gods to Muggles, instilling this pride, this arrogance into his son. Draco had believed him, had lived it, until the day he had witnessed his father’s submission to Voldemort. The Dark Lord had been furious with Lucius, and had tortured him after breaking him and the other Death Eaters from Azkaban.

Draco had been forced to watch as the older Malfoy begged Voldemort for his life, pleading for any chance that his master would give him. Draco’s world had shifted in that moment and he had known then that he would never follow Voldemort, whether or not he agreed with the Dark Lord’s ideas. He would never be reduced to begging for his life, begging to kill others instead.

And as it turned out, Draco had found someone else to submit to, someone else to make him beg. But oh, being with Harry felt so good, so right, Draco knew he would do so much more than beg for the privilege of kissing Harry Potter.

But Harry didn’t turn and leave, he simply stood back as far was possible under the cloak, not leaving any part of them visible.

“Good. On your knees then.”

Draco was shocked into stillness. His pride raised another mild objection at the prospect of what he was sure Harry wanted from him, but his desire quickly killed any resistance. He sank obediently to his knees and waited while Harry undid his trousers, Draco’s mouth was salivating now at the thought of what he was about to do.

Harry pulled his hard cock out of it’s restriction with only a little difficulty, and it bobbed in front of Draco’s face. Space was at a premium under the cloak, so Harry’s erect cock came to rest against Draco’s cheek, sending a new flush of arousal straight to Draco’s cock. Harry’s cock was long and thick, poking straight into Draco; the red tip was swollen and leaking, leaving a slick path of precome smudged across Draco’s cheek. Harry gripped himself at the base and pressed the blunt tip against Draco’s slightly parted lips.

“Now, suck.” Harry said with a low, husky voice. “And make it good.” This forceful, demanding Harry was such a turn on, Draco shivered with the intensity of his feelings. He braced himself with his hands against Harry’s hips and took the hard flesh into his mouth without hesitation. A harsh groan was ripped from Harry at the first touch of Draco’s tongue on the head, causing Draco’s cock to twitch in response at the sound.

Draco sucked; Harry’s whispered “Fuck.” urging him on. He set to work with new ferocity, surrounded by the smell and taste of Harry; Harry’s hand in his hair, Harry’s thumb and forefinger,-still wrapped around the base of his cock-pressing into his face on the down strokes, Harry’s smooth sexy voice rolling over him in a steady torrent of curses and encouragement. “Fuck, Draco…so good…yesss…suck it, just like that, yesss…ooooh, merlin, you’re so good at this….such a beautiful mouth….fuck…born to do this…yesss…born to suck me…ooooh.”

Draco was certain he had never been so aroused in his life, drawing such an impassioned response from Harry was intoxicating; it was almost poetic, he was here on his knees, with Harry’s cock buried deep in his mouth, and he had never felt so powerful.

Harry signaled his release with a tight grasp at Draco’s hair with a muffled shout. Draco struggled to take it all in, grimacing slightly at the taste, but he licked and sucked at Harry’s cock until he had cleaned every drop. He released Harry’s cock with a slurp, and rested back on his heels, licking his lips.

Draco’s jaw was aching, his lips tingling and his knees sore. He was rock hard and throbbing, but he felt better, more satisfied than he had ever felt before. Causing Harry pleasure was such a heady feeling.

“Mmmm, Draco, so nice.” Harry murmured, hands cupping Draco’s cheeks as he drew Draco up into a standing position. It was awkward under the cloak and Draco was stiff from kneeling, tottering against Harry, inadvertently pressing closer. Harry reached down and refastened his trousers, while commenting to Draco.

“You are so fucking good at that.” Harry said; his voice still heavy with release. “So pretty on your knees, Draco. That’s the best thing you’ve ever done with your mouth.”

Draco grinned at the sideways compliment, but it was cut short as Harry kissed him again, softly now, pushing Draco back against the wall and lining his long body up to Draco’s. Draco was reminded suddenly of his own arousal as it nudged into Harry’s hip. He let out a moan of frustration into Harry’s mouth, and Harry turned the kiss passionate again in response. Draco felt Harry’s hand slide down his chest and across his belly, settling on Draco’s erection, pressing and pulling. Draco gasped and pressed back, but Harry’s hand had already moved on, now fumbling with the latch of Draco’s belt.  Harry continued kissing him heatedly, his tongue delving and swiping in Draco’s mouth, leaving him feeling week in the knees.

Harry had finally gotten Draco’s trousers open and had reached inside, wrapping strong fingers around the hard flesh trapped inside Draco’s pants. Draco moaned; wrapping his arms around Harry’s shoulders in an attempt to keep to his feet as Harry squeezed and stroked him towards his completion, still kissing him deeply.

Draco was hanging on for dear life as Harry held him over the edge for long moments, tormenting him with a sensual buffet of feeling. Strong hands on his cock, a warm, hard body pressed to his and when Harry kissed his way down Draco’s neck, sucking on his pulse point fiercely, Draco flung himself over the edge, trusting that Harry would catch him.

Harry did, and held on, kissing Draco’s neck as he came down from his release before moving his lips upwards again to capture Draco’s lips in another soft kiss. Draco was boneless between Harry and the wall, his hands tangled in Harry’s hair, heart beating furiously. His mind struggled to cope with what had happened between them, with what he felt for Harry. For the first time in his life, Draco felt at home. The fact that Harry had been the one to bring him home was exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure.

Harry pulled back and Draco felt the tingle of a cleaning charm as it whisked away the wetness at the front of his trousers. Clearly Harry had mastered wandless and non-verbal magic and Draco’s cock twitched again at the display of power.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked softly as he refastened Draco’s trousers. When Draco looked up and met Harry’s eyes, he saw the banked desire there and he wondered what would happen to them now.

“Better than okay.” Draco responded with a smile, reaching up to kiss Harry again. Harry kissed him back softly and then pulled back once more, leaning against the wall with a hand on either side of Draco’s head. Draco’s hands fell to Harry’s waist; his thumbs tracing circles on Harry’s hips. Harry was still close enough to nuzzle Draco’s neck, causing him to shiver slightly.

“That was amazing.” Draco said out loud, mollified by Harry’s pleasant chuckle.

“There’s more where that comes from.” replied the Gryffindor, his face now buried in Draco’s hair. Harry pulled back then, serious now, and readjusted the cloak over them. He took a deep breath, his thumb now rubbing against Draco’s cheekbone.

“Draco, you have to stop hexing people. It’s getting out of hand, and there’s just no reason for it.”

Draco bristled slightly. “They deserved it!” he replied hotly, indignant now.

“No, they don’t.” Harry insisted, leaning closer now. “You’re only doing it to get my attention and vent your frustration. Well, you’ve got my attention now, and I think I know a better way for you to work out your frustrations.”

“What do you suggest I do instead?” Draco asked, a thrill running through him and settling in his chest as Harry confirmed out loud what Draco had only just recently admitted to them both. That he had wanted Harry’s attention all along, that is was what he had been seeking, methodically, insistently, all these years.

“We should be fuck buddies.” Harry stated simply. “It’s obvious you need regular sex to keep you happy, and it’s also obvious that there’s more than animosity between us.”

Draco could hardly deny that. Just what else there was, he wasn’t so sure.

“Besides,” Harry continued. “I’m not going to say no to regular sex, especially if it’s with a hot blond in possession of such a sexy arse!” Harry grinned and squeezed Draco’s arse cheeks for emphasis before continuing. “So. Fuck buddies. You can come to me anytime you want sex, but you’re free to date whoever you want, and so am I.”

Draco’s jaw clenched and his chest hurt at the thought of Harry with someone else, but he quickly brushed the feeling aside.

“Plus, you won’t feel the need to hex everyone you see.”

“I wouldn’t count on that.” Draco said wryly, causing Harry to laugh.

“Well, whether you feel the need or not, you won’t, or no sex. Got it?” Harry looked expectantly at him and Draco acquiesced.

“Okay. If I don’t hex anyone, I can get sex from you whenever I want?” Draco asked to clarify; wanting to be sure that Harry had really given him free reign to jump Harry’s ever so sexy body at any time. The right to shag Harry at any moment was a temptation to great to resist.

“That’s basically it, within reason, of course.” Harry confirmed.

“Oh, of course.” Draco agreed. “Alright then. Fuck buddies it is.”

“Good.” Harry grinned happily at him and Draco felt a pang in the area of his heart. He ignored it. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed Harry, testing out this new privilege. Harry kissed him back, and the pang got sharper. Draco wondered if he should get that checked out.

Harry ended the kiss. “Right then. Quidditch practice. I’ll see you later.” With a parting squeeze of Draco’s ass, the cloak slid off him and Harry was gone quiet footsteps marking his retreat.

Draco slumped heavily to the ground, elation warring with apprehension as he took several deep cleansing breaths. This thing that had happened between them had left him floating, and knowing they would do it again, soon, thrilled him. But he was still uneasy with the prospect of Harry with someone else. The idea left him with a sick feeling in his belly, but before he was tempted to suss out what it meant he thrust the feeling aside, pushing himself to his feet and headed for the prefect’s bathroom. He was sweaty and sated, but these newly born thoughts and memories of Harry were spinning wildly in his head and he was getting hard again. In spite of his recent release he found himself in need of a wank. What the hell, he was a 17 year old boy after all.

Draco hummed to himself as he made his way through the halls, blissfully oblivious to the strange glances he received as people rushed to get out of his way. If he were paying attention he would have been thrilled with the fear and deference the other students showed towards him after his recent bout of hexing passers-by. As it was, he was oblivious.

The next couple of weeks passed in a haze of pleasure. Harry and Draco met in unused classrooms, broom closets and any quiet nooks and crannies they could find. Given their knowledge of the castle, there was no end of possibilities. They also used the invisibility cloak to great advantage; it allowed them to meet in places that would not usually be private enough for a snog or a quick hand job. Sometimes they planned their meetings, but mostly they just took advantage of the opportunities provided to them. It was not unusual for one of them to snatch the other and drag his willing captive into some dark space or other for a quick but heated snog.

Draco felt more fulfilled than he ever had before, and his attitude showed it. He had not hexed anyone since that first day under the cloak, despite his desire to let go with a well placed curse here and there. The urge was still there, of course, but Draco was finding it relatively easy to abstain when the reward for his restraint may very well come in the form of a blowjob from Harry.

Draco had discovered that Harry had a very talented mouth; Draco would have said he sucked cock better than he kissed, if such a thing were possible. Harry was a very good kisser. The first time Harry’s lips had closed over his cock it had led to the best, most intense orgasm of his life. The sight of The Boy Who Lived on his knees with Draco’s cock in his mouth was Draco’s favorite wank material, and it never failed to produce an earth shattering climax.

As good as blowjobs and handjobs were for getting off, Draco found that he was enjoying the snogging as much as he was the rest; snogging Harry produced a warm, contented feeling in his belly that was very different but much more satisfying than the heat he flushed with post release. And they were just snogging more and more often; their encounters were increasing as a result, and Draco, in another difficult admission, was ecstatic. He was having trouble denying the fact that being with Harry made him happier than he’d ever been.

However, he was also increasingly uneasy about their arrangement. Their liaison was unknown to the rest of the school, to the other students Harry was single; an immensely powerful, very rich, reluctantly famous-and this was a huge turn on, Harry didn’t seem to want the attention, much to Draco’s surprise-and an extremely attractive wizard He was an object of desire for much of the school, there were endless girls and several boys who seemed to think Harry would make the perfect boyfriend. Draco agreed with them, another fact he was loath to admit to himself, much less to Harry. But every time he saw a random girl bat her eyelashes at Harry or run a groping hand up his arm, Draco’s fingers itched with the urge to hex her mercilessly. What kept him from doing that, or worse, was the knowledge that if he did, he would lose his snogging privileges immediately and very possibly irrevocably. Also, as far as Draco could tell, Harry was still snogging with him exclusively. The dark haired boy was shockingly oblivious to the looks and motives cast his way, a fact that Draco reveled in.

Every time someone approached Harry, Draco felt his blood pressure rise, but every time Harry rebuffed another advance, the sliver of hope in Draco that he had been attempting to ignore grew just a little bit larger. As much as Draco was loath to admit it, he wanted Harry all to himself, on a permanent basis.

Part Two

slash!fic, harry/draco

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