the best i can

Nov 01, 2010 02:12

So today I:

... put out the garbage; returned DVDs; bought salted corn chips and rice; cleared all the clothes and stuff off the floor of my studio;

... reorganised the kitchen cupboard so that I know exactly what's in there --- omg, where did all those herbal teas and foreign chocolates come from?! and how could I forget I had them?! --- and so ( Read more... )

rufus, rob, nano

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Comments 8

sorenaabye October 31 2010, 18:08:00 UTC
Early "Spring Cleaning"?


aquandrian November 1 2010, 01:24:02 UTC
Nik, you twit. Between all my posts on LJ and on Facebook, did you manage to miss the fact that I'm doing NaNoWriMo and ergo this means preparation of all sorts?! *lol*

Also, Southern Hemisphere, dude. Spring was a couple of months ago. :p


sorenaabye November 1 2010, 03:49:48 UTC
I was aware of that, just didn't realize the intensity of the activity.

The other comment was sort of related to the first, hence the quotations on "SC". After all, here in the Northern Hemisphere Spring was also technically a handful of months away ;)

At any rate, good luck! May you weave a story that steals people's hearts!


aquandrian November 1 2010, 12:16:28 UTC
Ha. I know, right? Feng shui and all that. No, it's just I figured I may as well set the studio to as much right as possible so the chaos didn't bug me while I was trying to write. And organising the kitchen cupboard so that I could just reach in and get what I needed without having to search.

Nothing must interfere with the writing!

Plus I was trying to kill time til the start. :p Amazing what you'll do when you're trying to procrastinate.

Thankyouuuuuuuuuuuuu, I hope so too! ♥


shellshear October 31 2010, 21:24:32 UTC
Good luck Dri! May you happen upon characters who steal your brain.


aquandrian November 1 2010, 01:25:05 UTC
Thank you Androooooooo!! I hope so too, they've stolen it enough times over the past year ... let's hope now they actually step up to the plate!

I trust Jade is inspiring you plenty for future writing. :D


shellshear November 7 2010, 22:42:01 UTC
Children's books from now on!


aquandrian November 9 2010, 03:52:35 UTC
Haha! Bring 'em on!


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