the best i can

Nov 01, 2010 02:12

So today I:

... put out the garbage; returned DVDs; bought salted corn chips and rice; cleared all the clothes and stuff off the floor of my studio;

... reorganised the kitchen cupboard so that I know exactly what's in there --- omg, where did all those herbal teas and foreign chocolates come from?! and how could I forget I had them?! --- and so it's all strategically arranged;

... watched Bob And Rose as my watch-some-Russell T Davies-before-starting-a-new-novel ritual, which man is so much sweeter when you know what's going to happen;

... made up a wallpaper of reference pix for the NaNovel which involved a shriek of "WHERE have all my Robbie Williams pix gone?! Where have they --- oh wait, they're on the other laptop." And then a shriek of "WHERE have all my Rufus Sewell pix gone?! Oh wait, I deleted them. Right, yes." It's a very hodgepodge affair but sokay, the pix and quotes are powerful enough to transcend the lack of artistic merit. Not that I ever have any.

... just finished reading all my notes which has --- in order --- terrified, intimidated, then intrigued and excited me.

And fuck, the playlist is brilliant. Gah.

Also, the Aunt brought me so many Indian meals --- plus fresh cut mango --- that I was almost embarrassed. She's so awesome. Cos now I can totally relax about feeding myself this month and just focus on the words.

Okay, to bed now. Start at a civilised hour of daylight. Even though I suspect this novel is more of a night thing. What a weird notion. Bugger that.

rufus, rob, nano

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