Person of Interest, "Last Call"

Feb 26, 2014 12:59

My impressions of last night's new episode and the promo for next week

It was an all right episode. I enjoyed parts of it quite a lot. The similarity to Baby Blue, with a wife hiring killers to cover up her husband's cheating didn't leap out at me until I read comments by others. I thought it was weird that the bad guy went to the trouble of choosing the number to threaten because of her past sealed juvvie records, but I suppose that was to show he was a great hacker. Still, do we need another Root type villian? And how could he have been sure that Aaron would call 911 when the kidnappers tried to break into his home? That seemed random. I don't usually mind a few holes in a plot but once I started thinking about the ones here... they started showing up. Oh well, not really a big issue for me.

While I thoroughly enjoyed Finch being front and center and helping on scene -- and the dialogue about his experience for manning a 911 call center -- I missed interaction between Reese and Finch. Shaw wasn't over-used this time and I liked her concern for Reese, telling him to not rush in without back up or making sure the baddies were out of the way before he tried to disarm the bomb strapped to the boy. But Reese didn't talk to Finch as much as I would have liked, especially when Finch was in danger. I would have thought we'd see a scene in which Reese was aware of the main bad guy being in the 911 building and threatening him and the number while Reese was trying to save the boy -- he should have been torn with wanting to be in both places at once and we've seen how concerned he is when he's not able to keep eyes on Finch: "You know I don't like it when you go into danger alone." Hmmm.

And then Finch took the call from the new villian and didn't tell Reese and Shaw what he said! I seriously doubt Reese would believe the guy didn't threaten Finch and in my head canon, Reese went back to that trash can as fast as he could without Finch knowing to retrieve the dropped phone! Finch told Reese he'd never lie to him, didn't he? I suppose he didn't consider the guy to be an actual threat but still.

On the scenes for next week, this is supposed to be the flashback episode so most of it will apparently take place back in about 2010, I think. The previews show Finch with his flashback glasses. I know that Stanton, Greer, Control and Hersch will be in it also (why not Corwin too?) and apparently we'll meet a guy Finch hired to help with the numbers before Reese. And from the promo, Reese will be slugging this guy and demanding to know who he works for. The promo then cuts to Finch saying, "Oh no!" as if he already knows who Reese is at that time. When I first watched the promo last night, I thought Reese was confronting the "original helper monkey" in the present time and Finch didn't want Reese to know about him. I will have to re-watch to see if Finch has on his present tense glasses in the "oh, no" scene. Then, this morning I saw the promo pics and it's clear that Reese and Stanton are together in New York. So that leads me to wonder this: is this taking place in the same time frame as when Reese was in NYC with Stanton and Snow and he ran into Jessica's husband? And the same time that we saw the hooded man in the bathtub whose identity has yet to be revealed? And will the original helper monkey turn out to be the man in the tub?

person of interest

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