I Choose You

Aug 14, 2013 11:03

Title: I Choose You
Rating: g
Pairing: gen but if you squint Baekhyun/Minseok, hints of Lu Han/Minseok, Lu Han/Baekhyun and Chanyeol/Minseok
Warning: general stupidity and violence towards Lu Han
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, nor EXO
Summary: PikaByun likes PikaXiu. Lu Han likes PikaXiu too. PikaXiu likes sleeping, and GirafarigYeol.

And so begins the The Epic Battle For PikaXiu’s Heart. )

pairing: xiubaek, pairing: xiuhan, *fic:exo, pairing: xiuyeol, pairing: baekhan

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Comments 15

epikey April 29 2014, 14:52:21 UTC
I think this might just be the cutest thing I've ever read. Oh I love your descriptions of Luhan I think creepy Luhan always amuses me. Heh.


aprilclash May 1 2014, 22:51:03 UTC
I can't believe there's people who'd read this old little thing ;//////; thank you (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧

lu han is almost always creepy XD


inky_starlight June 3 2015, 06:28:06 UTC
This is absolutely adorable!!


aprilclash September 14 2015, 00:30:17 UTC
omg people are still reading this? (////) but thank you so much!


inky_starlight September 14 2015, 01:10:17 UTC
Oh yes! I adore this, it's precious! I ended up naming my Girafarig in Alpha Sapphire "Chanyeollie" because of it ^^


snehaganguly August 30 2016, 16:09:56 UTC
Is it crazy that I want a fluffy PikaXiu too?
/Luhan's creepy smile/


aprilclash September 5 2016, 11:30:21 UTC
omg this fic is so old but thank you

/throws pikaxiu at you/
remember, if you take him you will also get a creepy lu han lol <3


ext_3795934 December 30 2016, 04:42:40 UTC
this is just about the cutest things I've read in such a while ahh thank you so much :) pikabyun is so fiesty and cute my feels >


aprilclash January 1 2017, 01:40:46 UTC
pikabyun omg this is so old and it was written as a joke and every time i think about it i laugh my ass off

but thank you for reading <3<3<3


bloblobloblo January 17 2017, 22:12:29 UTC
omg so cute


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