Post Date Claims

Feb 04, 2013 13:22

Claim your post date here! Make sure your other half is okay with it -- some people are involved in more than one 1 comment per team, doesn't matter to me who posts it, give me 2 options in case your first choice is gone. :) Message me/email the mod account privately ASAP with any issues ( Read more... )

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Comments 46

First Post, Whoo! crinaeaeswords February 4 2013, 18:48:09 UTC
Author: crinaeaeswords
Artist: tarlanx
Fandom/Original: Lost Girl/Grimm
1st choice for post date: March 10th
2nd choice for post date: March 11th


Re: First Post, Whoo! unavoidedcrisis February 4 2013, 18:49:51 UTC
Awesome, 10th March is yours :)


flipflop_diva February 4 2013, 18:56:43 UTC
Hey bb. So I just got back from my work trip, so my artist and I haven't quite had time to chat here yet, so could we tentatively reserve March 7 or 6? Later would be great so she can have as much time as possible!

Will get back to you with an actual date hopefully soon-ish!


unavoidedcrisis February 4 2013, 18:58:32 UTC
I'll give you dudes the 7th for now, if you need to change it let me know ASAP :) (If it helps, Clex says the 7th is good for her?)


flipflop_diva February 4 2013, 19:05:25 UTC
Oh, that does help! I mostly was worried what her schedule was like, and I leave for a work trip on the 8th. So, yay!


tarlanx February 4 2013, 19:52:02 UTC
I've lost my artist's contact info so I cannot arrange a date!

Can I tentatively ask for Feb 28th, or March 4th, and then move it if it's not convenient for Clex?


unavoidedcrisis February 4 2013, 19:55:00 UTC
I'll give you the 28th for now and PM you Clex's info now :)


tarlanx February 4 2013, 20:33:56 UTC
Thank you!


tsukinofaerii February 4 2013, 19:52:50 UTC
Author: tsukinofaerii
Artist: pyalgroundblz
Fandom/Original: Marvel Adventures: Avengers
1st choice for post date: 1st Mar
2nd choice for post date: 2nd Mar


unavoidedcrisis February 4 2013, 19:53:58 UTC
Right-oh, you got it, kid.


sigrundora February 4 2013, 19:59:28 UTC
Author: sigrundora
Artist: pyalgroundblz
Fandom/Original: Leverage/Angel/Mark Sheppard
1st choice for post date: March 11th
2nd choice for post date: March 12th


unavoidedcrisis February 4 2013, 20:00:58 UTC
11th is yours, dude :)


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