Post Date Claims

Feb 04, 2013 13:22

Claim your post date here! Make sure your other half is okay with it -- some people are involved in more than one 1 comment per team, doesn't matter to me who posts it, give me 2 options in case your first choice is gone. :) Message me/email the mod account privately ASAP with any issues.

EDIT: OH I should probably mention 1 team will post per day. :)

1st choice for post date:
2nd choice for post date:

19th Feb: shirleyann66 & lylithj2 (Original)
20th Feb: sashataakheru (Brum/The Move RPF)
21st Feb: nikki6 & fullmoon02 (Batman Nolan 'verse)
22nd Feb:
23rd Feb:
24th Feb: ladyhadhafang & croissantkatie (Doctor Who)
25th Feb: hunters_retreat & trickster88 (Harry Potter)
26th Feb: rise_your_dead & clex_monkie89 (Burn Notice)
27th Feb: sallycandance & clex_monkie89 (Original)
28th Feb: tarlanx & clex_monkie89 (Eureka)
1st Mar: tsukinofaerii & pyalgroundblz (Marvel Adventures: Avengers)
2nd Mar: del_rion & insteadofdeath (Avengers MCU)
3rd Mar: unperfectwolf & tsuminoaru (Dark Angel)
4th Mar: unavoidedcrisis & fullmoon02 (Avengers MCU)
5th Mar: shinealightonme & firefly1344 (Leverage)
6th Mar: toady2moo & meproyocan (Original)
7th Mar: flipflop_diva & clex_monkie89 (Private Practice/Grey's Anatomy)
8th Mar: sparrowshellcat & croissantkatie (Actor RPF)
9th Mar: sparrowshellcat & _afterism (Rise of the Guardians)
10th Mar: crinaeaeswords & tarlanx (Lost Girl/Grimm)
11th Mar: sigrundora & pyalgroundblz (Leverage/Angel)
12th Mar: jaune_chat & brynnh87 (Original)
13th Mar: cherie_morte & ordinaryink (CW RPF)

!mod, claims

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