Check In #2

Jan 18, 2015 20:12

HEY everyone, it's time for the second author check in. We're actually nearing draft time (and artist claim time, my favourite part of every round), which like, wow, where did the time go ( Read more... )

check in, !mod, round three

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Comments 9

del_rion January 19 2015, 07:21:42 UTC
Username: del-rion
Fandom: Avengers (MCU)
Current Word Count: 403
I feel ______ about my story: A bit unaccomplished (obvs).
Snippet: N/A

Question: I'm having a hard time finding chances to write. Is it okay not to participate in art claims, and see if I finish the story in required time? Or would you rather have me drop out during the draft time if I haven't made the 2/3 word count? (on a good day, I write 10k. There haven't been good days yet. I think I'll be able to finish the story by posting time, but I would rather not have an artist whom I might disappoint if real life gets overwhelming.)


moon01234 January 19 2015, 09:03:23 UTC
I'm dropping out. I can't seem to keep up with all my work. Sorry about this.


tehexile January 19 2015, 14:07:56 UTC
Username: tehexile
Fandom: Star Ocean/Valkyrie Profile
Current Word Count: 17937
I feel ______ about my story: fairly satisfied
(context: Decus is possessed by Surtr. Freya turns Welch into a Valkyrie to deal with the problem. after being stood too close to Decus at the time, Shigeo and Marsilio are forced to become Welch's Einherjar.)

Shigeo sighed, "Oh well, at least I'll get to kill things before I die."

"That's the spirit! To battle, my noble Einherjar!" cried Welch, spreading out her wings of pure blue energy and pointing her Handy Stick at the target of her wrath, the foul altar and its infernal master of ceremonies, "Divine Assault... Nibelung Whatever!"

so, this is pretty much finished, but needs beta reading. I'm not really sure where to find a beta reader.


guineamania January 19 2015, 16:49:26 UTC
Username: guineamania
Fandom: Les Miserables
Current Word Count: 5947
I feel ______ about my story: Pretty good actually but slight concerned about the deadline!
Snippet: It all began the day the televisions turned themselves on and shouted for your attention. “The government has sent out this broadcast,” the almost frenzied newsreader shouted in a desperate attempt to grab everyone’s attentions. “Please stay inside your homes, the virus is continuing to spread at an alarming rate and all current attempts to halt its progression have come away unsuccessful. If you contract the disease then please leave your loved ones and make your way alone to the nearest hospital,” she explained and the screens all cut to black. Some would say that the world ended way before. But for most that day was the end of the world as we know it.


hellboy January 20 2015, 02:02:32 UTC
Username: hellboy
Fandom: Hellboy (comics) fusion with Pokemon (Trading Card Game) and The Road (Cormac McCarthy novel)
Current Word Count: 7.5k -- going to hunker down and try to get over 10k tonight, wheee.
I feel ______ about my story: frantic, what else is new?
Snippet: oh please no.


hellboy February 1 2015, 01:39:20 UTC
I gotta drop out. My powersource for my laptop is a solar array, and it's been nothing but rain and clouds for the last few days, so I haven't been able to keep working on it. Sorry ): I really wanted to get this one in.


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