Check In #2

Jan 18, 2015 20:12

HEY everyone, it's time for the second author check in. We're actually nearing draft time (and artist claim time, my favourite part of every round), which like, wow, where did the time go?

Drafts are due by midnight, your local time, on 4th February. At that time, I'll need to see 10k worth of fic (obviously, if you have more done, that's rad too), aka: 2/3rds of the minimum word count. More details on exactly what I need forthcoming (but I'll tell you now, you do NOT need to have your final title picked out. I get asked that one all the time. You only need that for like, when you're posting).

Still time to sign up, officially speaking, and now is prime time for NEW ARTISTS. Artists, we love you, come join us!

Current Word Count:
I feel ______ about my story:

check in, !mod, round three

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