Drafts Are Almost Due!

Feb 04, 2015 11:44

HELLO MY PRETTIES. It's draft time again. I'm excited, how about you? Here's how it breaks down:

The Dates:
- Drafts due by midnight, your local time, on 4th February.
- If you need an extension, please msg me ASAP so we can set something up.
- Preview of summaries for artists will go up on the 5th of February.
- Artist claims will be open 2pm EST (GMT-5) on 7th February.

The Details:
- Proxy claiming is allowed for artists, same as always!
- You will receive an email response saying I got it. If you don't get that by the time previews are up, then I don't got it and you should it it again. Yes, I check the spam folder.

The Info I Need:
- Email your draft meeting the minimum word count (10k) to apocalypticmod@gmail.com
- Attach drafts as, you know, attachments, or Google Drive links, do NOT paste into body of email.
- In the body of the email (and not only attached to the draft itself, please), copy/paste the following mini-form and fill in.

My username:
Warnings/Content Notes: (non-con, violence, etc)
Word Count: (projected word count if you are not completed yet)

- If a section (ie: title) is not part of the form, you are not required to fill it in. I get that question at least twice every round of every bang I run. I promise, I don't need you to wrack your brain thinking of a title. I am okay without titles at this stage. I don't have 600 participants and this is a pan-fandom challenge, so the combo of your username + fandom is enough for me to keep all my amazing little ducks straight.
- In this explanation, you're all my little ducks <3

OKAY AMAZING LITTLE DUCKS. That should be everything we need for yet another stellar round. Comment here or PM with any additional questions. See you on the other side! :D

!mod, round three

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