Even Empires need to get away from it all

Apr 15, 2011 02:27

He hardly hears the sound of the sea fade from beyond his wide open window. No, he is far too occupied in his quiet musings and the little feast laid out before him. Succulent ham, fresh cheese, juicy olives, excellent sherry--what more can an Empire want ( Read more... )


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Comments 186

venetianhugs April 15 2011, 14:06:43 UTC
[This place was so new and big~. There was so much to see and do and smell and read and touch and -- Veneziano takes a peak at this odd guy. If he didn't know any better, he'd say that was...]

Spain? Big brother, is that you?


diosorogloria April 15 2011, 15:14:19 UTC
[Green eyes lift up from the big hunk of ham before him. Spain looks at Italy and doesn't recognize him. Italy in his time is a cute, precious little boy after all]

I am Spain, yes. And you are...?


*peek OTL venetianhugs April 15 2011, 15:18:01 UTC
[He frowns just a little but turns it into a smile.]

Are you playing dress-up? It's me, Italy~. Ve, is forgetting me part of the game?


*patpats* ^^ It's okay~ diosorogloria April 15 2011, 15:21:22 UTC
[Dress-up? He wonders why the other would think such a thing. He may be in repose at the moment, but his clothes are made of the finest materials the Empire has to offer...]

[At the mention of Italy, he returns the smile, though it looks a bit condescending. Just a tad]

What kind of joke is this? You are not Italy.


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diosorogloria April 16 2011, 04:49:41 UTC
[He stares. Stares]


[He must be dreaming]


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diosorogloria April 16 2011, 05:50:03 UTC
[Groans as he sinks back against his pillows and throws a hand over his eyes]

This is it. I have gone mad...

[How is it possible that he's seeing a little France? Galia...]


le_francaise April 16 2011, 15:09:23 UTC
[Have two hands creep up from behind and cover his eyes.]

You seem to be enjoying yourself, Espagne..


diosorogloria April 16 2011, 15:30:12 UTC
[That voice. A smile curves Spain's lips and he chuckles softly. Politically, he's not that happy with France, but well. This is France]

Am I that obvious, Francia?


le_francaise April 16 2011, 15:51:00 UTC
[He's a little shaky as well at this point with Spain, but...He is France.]

I think in moments like these, it is better to share it amongst friends.

[He uncovers his eyes and conveniently finds a seat aside the Empire.]


diosorogloria April 16 2011, 15:58:34 UTC
[Spain laughs at the emphasis on the word, flashing the other an amused smile]

Indeed you're right...

[What is war and conflict between Nations? It's just how they get along sometimes]


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diosorogloria April 16 2011, 16:00:42 UTC
[Looks up then looks down]

I should say the same. I didn't invite you, Inglaterra.

[You can't have any of his food. Shoo]


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Why hello X3 I remember your England lol diosorogloria April 16 2011, 19:31:46 UTC
[Calmly carves out another slice of him. Watch him, Inglaterra]

I doubt that...


sun_neversets April 16 2011, 17:01:01 UTC
[He just wanted to see if there really wasn't any way out of here, honest. That was it. And now he had stumbled across Spain (of all the bloody fucking nations) and he looked... well, far too relaxed for England's liking.]

And you have the bloody audacity to call me heathen. Pah! Hedonist, much?

[Green eyes are staring at all the food.]


diosorogloria April 16 2011, 19:35:19 UTC
[If there is one person, nay, Nation that he doesn't expect to see, it is England. At least not today. He smiles at the observation. Hedonist, indeed]

It's not my fault if the servants believe me their lord and master and so deserving of such a feast.


sun_neversets April 17 2011, 01:19:16 UTC
[England didn't expect to see Spain, at least a Spain from this time, here. He had run into several already, most obnoxious and grating figures from the future that made him wonder how he ever saw Spain as... well, anything.

He snorts.]

Deserving, right. I am fairly sure the only thing you are deserving of is some burned ships, España.


diosorogloria April 17 2011, 01:27:17 UTC
[Spain himself would probably wonder what happened along the line when he meets Spains from the future. They'll probably give him a headache]

[And his expression hardly changes upon mention of his burned ships] Of course you see yourself an expert on what I don't and do deserve...

[He takes an olive and eats it, relishing the saltiness of it. He stays sitting down, of course]


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