[ooc: Just so everyone has a place to gather. This way we all don't have to make seperate posts and figure out who should tag who and whatnot. Hope it helps
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Mel's been out of her coma for two weeks now. She's been inadvisadly active for most of that, pushing herself almost to the limit, training with Iroh and Hellboy, but her body appears to be rebelling. The weakening of her body due to the coma is combining with the strain of the exercise, making her tired and hungry all the time
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One meeting with Mel later, Biff is wide awake and well-informed and running into the common room, screaming "ALLRIGHT, NOBODY PANIC. I REPEAT, NOBODY. PANIC
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Biff is in 202, experimenting with kitchen knives. He has to suss out what can and can't be used as a weapon in this place, after all, so he's testing weight, balance, edge, grip, and how cool they look when he throws them
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Zuko watches at the window of the ground floor -- just peering through the narrow gateway that Ed has left for the returning rescuers. But while his eyesight is poor, the boy's isn't. When Ed starts yelling and waving his arms, Zuko blinks-- and realizes, they're-- there!
Harper, Melaka-- and--
...a body.
Don't let him be dead."Clear the way!
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After doublechecking the ground floor defense - Zuko did a quick check up the next few floors, checking on people, making sure things were going as they were supposed to
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Biff is on the first floor, waiting and sadly unhappy with the amount of weaponry at his command. All he's got is his fragile knife and a pile of long sticks - pool cues, legs hewn off bar chairs, for impromptu bo-staffs. What he wouldn't give for a good Roman sword right about now.