Guys, I'm so bad at titles.
So... I have no idea when the meme maxed as I wasn't here for it this time, but I hope it was cool! You guys seem to rock it each time.
Have fun on part 24~
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-England's spells always fail and do something different than what he intended for them to do.
-Also, England doesn't like child nations as much anymore because he feels like he's 'lost his touch' with parenting.
-Spain, when he fucks, is sensual and likes to take things slow - to the point it's excruciating.
-Unlike England, Spain still enjoys parenting and babies Romano... even at world meetings and in front of the Mafia.
-On one hand, Belgium is extremely competitive with chocolate and beer.
-On the other hand, German and Danish beer isn't so bad once you force it down the first few tries, and Swiss and French chocolate's not that bad either, and Italian's pretty damn good, too.
-She refuses to admit to either things, even if she admits them when she's drunk.
-Switzerland doesn't want to remember his old times with Austria because that's when he had feelings. /smacked
* Norway and Iceland like to throw things at Denmark's head to see who can dislodge the tiny hat first. They start off with rubber bands and work their way up to non-pointy household objects, fish, etc. Iceland is a better shot but that may be because Norway doesn't even aim for the hat half the time anyway. Denmark, of course, is oblivious to their shenanigans and just thinks they're giving him free stuff or something.
Is it bad that I want an RP thread to act this out?
Any RPers here?
Especially that first one
They never saw it coming.
Like. Literally.
huff huff
Austria's shitfits, when he has them, are really funny to watch.
Germany and Prussia have embarrassing orgasm faces. (Prussia cries after sex, too. This is a permanent addition to my headcanon, thanks to part 23.)
Ukraine is a shotacon. Her porn stash freaks even France out.
*GDR!Prussia has a major soft-spot for Ukraine and he doesn't even know why. He just feels like a complete asshole for even thinking of insulting her and he actually makes an effort to be nice if there's just the two of them and his reputation is not in danger. Once Russia figures this out, he starts sending Ukraine over with some freshly baked biscuits whenever he needs something from him.
*OK, this came up in relation to Prussia's Gian!voice, so I guess it no longer applies, but I'm afraid it will permanently remain a part of my head-canon: Prussia hates the way he sounds during sex, so he tries to keep himself quiet by, I don't know, biting pillows or something. His partners are always very surprised, because they expect him to be loud as hell.
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