Feb 26, 2010 20:49

Signups for the spring 2010 round of The Hetalia Rarepairs Exchange are officially OPEN!

Check this post for important information about the challenge -- I've reposted the signup guidelines and the list of ineligible pairings, but there's a lot of other stuff in that post that you should read.

Signups will remain open until Friday, March 5, 2010 at 11:59 PM EST. The ads will be posted on Sunday, March 7; I'd advise watching the community, so you can keep track of further developments. All comments to this post are screened.

Have fun, everyone, and spread the word!

Creating Ads
* The Hetalia Rarepairs Exchange is open to both fic and art, and you can offer to create either (or to create both, if you're just that multitalented). If you have something else in mind that isn't easily classifiable under either of those two headers, e-mail me at puella.nerdii at gmail dot com or send me a PM, and we'll talk.
* You must offer to write or draw for at least THREE different pairings, though you are welcome (and encouraged) to offer more than three.
* Try not to put down "any" or "any except..." for pairings you're willing to write. For one, it's a lot easier for people to leave prompts for pairings that they know other participants are interested in. For another, putting down "any" or "any except..." means you might well end up with requests for, say, Cameroon/Sealand.
* The Hetalia Rarepairs Exchange is only for pairings, guys -- for the purposes of this challenge, I'm defining a pairing as a relationship between exactly two Nation-tans who have appeared at least once in Hetalia canon. "Hetalia canon" includes the anime, the comics, and Himaruya's sketches, so yes, you can ask for characters who've only appeared in drawings and not in the strips proper. (This does, however, exclude characters like Kumajirou and Shinatty-chan. Sorry.) So threesomes/moresomes are out for this one, simply because they make my life that much harder. (Other characters besides the main pair can appear in your fill, but the pairing requested should be the central focus of the fic/art.)
* Genderbends don't qualify as rarepairs for the purposes of this challenge, either. Sorry.
* Be specific about the kinds of things (themes/genres/kinks/tropes/etc.) you like and don't like to write/draw -- this makes it easier for the other participants to create requests tailored to your interests. If there's something you really don't want to write/draw, mention it! (Otherwise, Murphy's Law being what it is, I can guarantee that you'll get at least one request for a Do Not Want.)

Anonymous Participation
* You do not need a Livejournal account to participate in this challenge. If you have no Livejournal account, please put "none" on the part of the form marked "Livejournal Name."
* If you do have a livejournal account but wish to participate anonymously, indicate "yes" in the appropriate area on the form and come up with a pseudonym you'd like to use for the challenge. (Using a pseudonym makes your mod's life that much easier; if you don't pick one, I'll come up with one for you, and you might not like what I come up with.)
* If you choose to participate anonymously, you will receive the username and password to a specially-created mod account when you receive your list of requests.
* During the posting week (April 25 - May 1), log into the mod account and post your fill from it.
* ???
* Profit!

* Pairings with communities that have over 300 members are not, as a general rule, eligible for the Hetalia Rarepairs Exchange. Arbitrary, I know, but that's the way it goes.

* The following pairings are ineligible for the Hetalia Rarepairs Exchange:
Germany/Italy (this includes HRE/Chibitalia)

Livejournal Name:
Email: [please use an address that you check fairly often, as this is the primary way I'll contact you during the exchange]
Will you be participating anonymously?
If so, what pseudonym would you like to use?

I am offering: [fic / art / fic and art]
Highest rating I'll write/draw: [use the MPAA rating system, please]
Preferred pairings: [OPTIONAL: is there anything you want to add about why you like this dynamic/why you find it interesting/why you ship it? This step isn't at all necessary, but if you want to give requesters even more ideas, or get them to see why you think Pairing X is so cool, you might think about doing it.]
Things I enjoy writing/drawing: [themes, genres, scenarios, tropes, kinks, and anything else you can think of]
Things I DON'T enjoy writing/drawing: [themes, genres, scenarios, tropes, kinks, and anything else you can think of]

Are you willing to pinch-hit?
Are you willing to emergency pinch-hit?

Copy and paste the information into a comment to this post, fill out the blank fields, and post it! All comments are screened.

Livejournal Name:
Will you be participating anonymously?
If so, what pseudonym would you like to use?

I am offering: [fic / art / fic and art]
Highest rating I'll write/draw:
Preferred pairings:
Things I enjoy writing/drawing:
Things I DON'T enjoy writing/drawing:

Are you willing to pinch-hit?
Are you willing to emergency pinch-hit?


!signups, !mod post

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