Title: "Buon Natale In Musica - Ciaramella"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: Matching piece to the
fanart I made for
masterfranny as a Christmas gift because Lovino wanted to play Christmas songs as well...
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Lovino playing a Christmas song with the Ciaramella...
Extra note:
For who's interested to know...
The Ciaramella (Ciaramedda, Ciarameja), or Pipita (in English Shawm) is the predecessor of the modern oboe rather popular in south Italy. According to some it's also the predecessor of the Zampogna.
Raraly the Ciaramella play alone, usually it plays along with a Zampogna.
During Christmas the Ciaramella players along with the Zampogna players were used to travel playing Christmas songs for the Christmas Novena.
You can listen the Ciaramella and the Zampogna playing together 'Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle' here
The Ciaramella inspired Giovanni Pascoli to write a rather beautiful poem, Le Ciaramelle