Sep 06, 2010 17:43

The APH ficgames is an idea stolen from je_ficgames which was stolen from hd_worldcup , so this isn't so much copying as it is continuing THE CIRCLE OF ~*LIFE*~ I am sure all of you will agree.


FIRST the setup

aph_ficgames is a TEAM competition. We welcome ALL pairings, genres, ratings but this is first and foremost a TEAM EFFORT. We want you guys to have fun!

There are a total of four teams you can join, divided by categories:

Team Alternate Universe (AU): This is your Italian mafia hitmen, your Russian ballerinas, not to mention space operas, gakuen, circus, pirates, wizards, and everything else!

Team What-If: The Cold War never happens, America lost his fight for independence, Hungary really is a guy who got hitched to Austria against his will.

Team Future: Futurefic. Which means the canon that we associate with Hetalia becomes the past.

Team Present: Canonfic. Can deal with anything from the past to present; it just has to be compliant with Hetalia canon.

A team comprises of a group of people all writing in the same genre (all AU, all futurefic, etc). Each writer will produce a fic that is both compliant with their team category as well as a PROMPT.

The prompts will be taken from Lady Gaga songs and Gravure Idol magazines aka, a suggestion box entry for prompts will be posted later. Exact specifics along with prompt sign ups will be revealed after teams are assigned

WORDCOUNT LIMIT: 2,000 words minimum -- 10,000 max

SECOND the point system

Posting of fics will be anonymous. Readers/non-writers will have a chance to participate by RATING each fic as they are posted.

Each fic will be rated on:
    10 points - how much the reader liked the fic (10 being the best)
    5 points - how well it utilizes the prompt (5 being the most)
    5 points - how true it stays to the team's category (5 being the most)

This will be conducted through polls. Go to je_ficgames's post here to see the system in action. Results are only accessible to the mods and individual scores will not be revealed at any time (though we will be happy to email writers their personal fic score if they should ask). Points are cumulative. The team with the most points at the end wins.

THIRD now what about pairings

We've all got our own preferences and our own squicks. There is nothing wrong with this. When you sign up, there will be a space for you to fill out your pairing preferences and squicks, and we will try to try to group all of you guys evenly so the groups will not be stacked with only US/UK or only Russia/Prussia writers (as two random examples).

Once you find out who who's in your team, it is up to the individual group to decide which pairings they will be writing. Writers can write different pairings for different prompts, but in a given prompt, for a given team, no more than two fics can contain the same pairing.

But wait, this sounds really weird and almost Big Brother-like!

Our justification: this is a team competition where points will be awarded by way of poll. We want all teams to be as spread out as possible so pairing bias won't ever sway a voter from one team to another WHILE ensuring that writers are writing the pairings that they want.

We could be like je_ficgames and designate that each team can only write x, y, z pairings and only ONE of each for any given prompt. However, there are many pairings in Hetalia and everyone has different tastes, so we hope this will allow people to have more fun with it!

And of course, if pairings aren't really your thing, feel free to go pairing-less! No one is stopping you!

FOURTH what are my teammates good for anyway?

This competition will be between teams, therefore whether a team sinks or floats depends on your teammates. After making it on a team, you will be given the names of your teammates along with ways to contact them.

The mods will set up dates for team chats (on meebo, probably). There will be one shortly after prompt sign ups to introduce yourself to your team and possibly trade prompts with a willing teammate. After that, there will be tentative team chats twice a month where you can trade ideas, advice, etc. Individual team members are free to contact each other whenever they want.

How much you want to participate in these chats is entirely up to you. You can choose to have absolutely no contact with your team (though this would sort of defeat the purpose of a team competition, wouldn't it?).

FIFTH introducing your lovely maintainers

aph_ficgames is a collective endeavor being undertaken by m_nemonica, sonofon, synthrax, and vampire_scooby. We will be posting via the Number One Ref of All Time, german_referee. Obey him, or else he will make you read manuals about proper techniques regarding Centrifugal Bumble-Puppy. There will be a quiz at the end.

SIXTH this is the end, i swear

Please comment with any questions or concerns you may have here. Sign-ups and schedule deadlines are over here. Thank you for reading and we hope you will sign-up!
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