Balance and writing

Jun 19, 2016 00:08

So remember how I keep saying I'm going to finish my fics, then I don't? I hope that's going to stop over this summer. I've decided to try to find some balance and scale back on certain things to make time for things I should be enjoying. For some time, writing has been less than enjoyable for me. I like it once I get in there, but I put it off ( Read more... )

real life, fanfic, writing

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Comments 2

star_majesty June 22 2016, 20:43:51 UTC
I love your fics, but if you're not loving it anymore, then I wouldn't want you to force yourself. Plot bunnies in the brain are annoying, but if all you need to do to get them to go away is write a premise and not a story, maybe that could work. Don't apologize for being over or under inspired. You did nothing wrong.

Congrats on all the work! Summer is the season for weddings. :)


apeygirl July 1 2016, 00:17:36 UTC
It's really not that, once I get time to sit down and do it, I won't enjoy it anymore. It's just a matter of getting the time and brainspace.

The main reason I feel bad is that all of these fics came from a charity auction back in 2012. And I got a good start on everything, but it all dropped off when (between work and family stuff) things got better and worse respectively. These people donated in exchange for my tailoring a fic to them and I feel bad that I am delivering so late. I know at least one of the people isn't mad at me, but I never know if the others aren't quietly seething. LOL.

Either way, I have just a few things to wrap up on the LW front this week and then I'll be able to spend a few weeks jumping into fic. :)

I'm looking forward to having time for it again.


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