Balance and writing

Jun 19, 2016 00:08

So remember how I keep saying I'm going to finish my fics, then I don't? I hope that's going to stop over this summer. I've decided to try to find some balance and scale back on certain things to make time for things I should be enjoying. For some time, writing has been less than enjoyable for me. I like it once I get in there, but I put it off over and over and the idea of fic has had me shying away. Let's not even talk about the romance novel plots that are always bouncing around in my brain. It's not even real writer's block. It's just fear of wasting time with no results. I just have to tell myself that, when I settle in, something always comes together and stop being such a ninny.

I have this tendency to over-promise and under-deliver, so I'm just going to say that two hours of my day, starting when Game of Thrones is over, will be devoted to fic. Whether that's reading it to stay engaged, writing it, or archiving it. I started this a few months back before wedding season made me crazy and it was a good start. I archived my one-shots, did a shortie for Sunken Ships and reminded myself that I can write, you know, once I settle into it. I just need more time to dust my fics off and get into the universe.

I'm just going to scale back on how often I write for Legendary Women (from weekly to monthly) because I have other LW projects and the magazine I'm writing for and it's just a bit much, in the end. I take on too much and then I never end up meeting the obligations as well as I'd like. I think this will improve the quality of my work and give me time for fic.

To make things easier, I'm going to start with finishing the fics in order of how close they are to completion. I know that means some people will still have been waiting way too long for an update. But it'll be less time to completion of each if I can concentrate on them solo up to the finish.

I do feel awful about these last 2-3 years. Between work picking up like crazy, especially this last year (I've got a wedding per week since I started singing at the flower market), Uncle Mike's diagnosis (he's doing okay, back on hormone therapy after fighting it way longer than he should), family drama from the usual suspects, and things picking up at LW, I've left people hanging for way to long. I know they've very likely moved onto other fandoms and probably won't come back to see the finish. But I still have to finish what I started.

After that, me and those other romance plots will have a talk.

As for my last post, sorry about the ramble. I was just working through some stuff and it helps to write it out without worrying about who reads it (I trust you guys fully). Fic should be like that and I'm going to try to use it as the escape it should be.

real life, fanfic, writing

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