So I found this kicking around a few places and decided to give it a go. It’s a general fandom meme for the year, and was a good way to reflect on my year in fandoms xP
I've never watched FMA, but I found that once I started with Hetalia I didn't want to stop (and especially because the dub is, if possible, even more crack-filled than the original xP)
I've seen a bunch of clips of the dub, which is what made me want to watch it. I can't find it online anywhere, though, and I prefer not to spend money on things I haven't seen. With a show like this I think the accents they do in the dub make a lot of positive difference, so I'll just wait until I can find the English version. I'm right in the middle of another series now anyway.
Oh, I completely agree, and the accents are one of the reasons I'm partial to the dub! I think all of the dubbed episode are here, and although they're pretty low quality that's how I watched them before I bought it!
I really like Community, despite never really talking about it, but the humor is offbeat and the actors are all quite good, so it's usually enjoyable :)
Comments 8
I started watching Hetalia back in August, but then my friend got me into FMA, and the rest is history XD I still need to finish it.
I've never watched FMA, but I found that once I started with Hetalia I didn't want to stop (and especially because the dub is, if possible, even more crack-filled than the original xP)
This post has randomly reminded me that I want to get into Community :Db Saw one episode, liked it, and then was distracted by something. orz
I really like Community, despite never really talking about it, but the humor is offbeat and the actors are all quite good, so it's usually enjoyable :)
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