Glee 5x18 Picspam

Apr 30, 2014 19:30

So, um, that episode of Glee?  I have mixed feelings, but let's dive in.

Rachel's surprisingly happy to have a homeless man sleeping on her face.  I think my biggest issue with this episode was that, and I've never been a Rachel fan, but her show literally opened a week ago from the perspective of the audience and it's something she's talked about since Glee started and suddenly wow nope time to pull a 180 on this storyline Rachel never wanted Funny Girl she just wants to be famous which...isn't really what we've been taught Rachel wants.

Although I do understand that her reaction to being told 'hey you'll be doing this for the rest of your life!' would probably not inspire good choices.

"You have a face for radio" was a weird one tho like okay she's already a successful Broadway star obviously she's at least got a stage career.

So basically this scene was just to create drama and useless otherwise good to know.

Nice...pants, Kurt.  If he actually put that cardigan on there'd be a lot of pastel colors going around.  Blaine's wearing what looks like a modified Warblers outfit though.

He has no idea what's going on.

And okay, the one thing I loved about their storyline this episode (and that's done really well with Klaine in general) is that neither of them are ever trying to one-up the other.  They might get jealous, and they might be a little resentful, but really that's human nature and in the end they're both doing whatever they can do create opportunities for each other and that's so lovely to see.

Kurt's hair is incredibly poofy in this scene.

Also the casual affection in this episode bless.

This...okay, the storyline itself wasn't bad, but knowing that Naya got herself fired and so it will never go anywhere and she's going to disappear halfway through the next episode makes it hard to care about.  Also Santana was weirdly nice this whole episode.

Mercedes being a good friend.  Everybody was a good friend this episode.  Except Rachel.

I'm...not sure how I feel about the ballad version of this song.  It just seems to drag when the backbeat is taken out, although it's nice to see Glee actually doing re-arrangements instead of turning everything into glorified karaoke.

My dad; "It's Orphan Black!  Oh wait, there are more than seven of them..."

Also, I'm sorry, it has been three weeks. Complaining about being in a play 'forever' after three weeks is ridiculous.

It's bad when the fact that Jim Rash was guest-starring was the highlight of the episode for me, isn't it?  But seriously, I love Community and it was nice to see him here because his comedic timing is amazing.


Also how did he just walk back there and sneak into her dressing room do they not have security?

This guy I have mixed feelings about.  Was it great that he made it sound like Rachel could never miss a show no matter what?  No, because that's not the way it works.  Does he have a right to be upset that she lies to him?  Yes, but again, it wouldn't have happened if he'd have given her a day off, which, um, isn't that uncommon on Broadway.

But it all comes back to it has been three weeks.

So my sympathy is limited.

This storyline did feel kind of random though.

Singing in elevators.

Singing in bathrooms.  Santana carrying that...speaker-thing looked incredibly awkward.

Also I'm not sure how to feel about her pants.  They're rather...interesting.

I'm also not a fan of rap so while Mercedes especially sounded good it did nothing for me.

Yay, we talked about an original song and instead we sang a cover song!

Rachel's talking about herself again.

Kurt's so star-struck and Blaine's still so confused.

I have to say, Chris sounded better on this song than I'd thought he would have.  I've kind of listened to the new 1D album a lot because it's really, really good and infuses a lot of folk and rock elements instead of being straight bubblegum-pop like their older stuff. Seriously go listen to it.

But this song's obviously more in Blaine's wheelhouse.

My dad: "that's the same band that played at Mercedes' church!"  How does he notice these things?

And here we have Blaine acting like a gentleman.

And Kurt acting like a freaked out fanboy.

He still looks unsure as to who this woman is.

This part just...didn't work.  Because she's literally staring at Kurt the whole time she's asking the questions like what is he supposed to think? It's not even 'misleading', it's just bad directing.

More extremely poofy hair. a very un-Kurt-like shirt.  It's like something his dad would wear.


This scene was...weird.  It was like an excuse to showcase a bunch of old actors and throwing Blaine in there so it was still relevant.

Hi, Eric Roberts.

His hair is less gelled this episode this is a good thing.

This  Like, Shirley Maclaine is 80 and not a singer, but Darren's so obviously holding back and without any raw power behind the lyrics it completely falls flat.

Also the editing was bad here like she calls Blaine up and suddenly he's on-stage with a microphone singing even though he looked confused as to why he should be standing up in the first place.

Again, this was very nice of Mercedes, but it's just...irrelevant.

This entire episode should have been called "Adults Making Very Good Points and Teenagers Ignoring Them" because that's all that happened.

And Santana's being way too complacent and nice here.

Even she looks surprised by this.

But Mercedes, again, as is the theme of the episode, is A Very Good Friend.

"I'm so sorry I'm sick I'm at home in bed"

"No jk I'm in LA"

Hello generic blond dude.

This...okay, it was hilarious, but that's such a deep song to waste on a scene like this.  Also the fact that he keeps trying to cut her off and standing up and she just.  keeps.  singing.

Look at all of those Fox shows.  Fourth wall, what fourth wall?

My dad: "why do all of the people look like mobsters?"  And then this guy starts eating a donut or whatever he's munching on.

Derpy derp derp

He's not sure how to react to this.  Although I was also wondering why she came in and sang a song for a TV pilot.

This script was so badddddd

She's not feeling it.

For some reason I thought the audition was at night and then when I saw this I realized she probably could make it back to NY in time.


Blaine's so supportive and he just wants Kurt to have all the opportunities he can look at this muffin.

Like how can people say that he doesn't care about Kurt I do not understand.

This whole thing was scripted so bad though like, "Hey we barely know each other so what you should do is leave your fiance and come with me even though I haven't ever said how this will help you in life!"

Me too, Blaine.

I half-expected her to get out of the car and stomp down the freeway.

Now she looks constipated.

Hooray for people still being good friends.

And like, with Mercedes it's another one of those things that goes two ways.  Should she really try to establish her own career before attempting to help Santana?  Yeah, but she's not like that, so I understand this.


Oh look, she's being an understudy anyway.

This scene was so awkward.  I mean, the dialogue was actually nice, but with the real life tension between these two it kind of bled through.

Still too nice.

Still undeserving.

I would have liked to see where everything went with her but, well...

This was cute though.

Back to eating popcorn I see.

And poor Blainers he just wants to do right by Kurt and Kurt's so excited and he can't take that away from him even though he's just  majorly screwed up.

Kurt's "OH SWEETHEART!" here was so cute.

Blaine this is not going to work out well.


Blaine realizing how deep his hole is getting.

Yes see this scene I was pleased with because he didn't coddle her and he laid down the law like it should have been.

And she's properly chagrined.

And looking like she might face some real consequences.

Lol no jk literally five seconds after she gets told she was almost fired she gets an offer for a tv pilot starring her

So once again, Rachel has learned nothing.

Why they'd give her a pilot of her own anyway is beyond me.

Hooray we're back to where we started for the 50th time!

So, there were parts that were okay, but overall it was just kind of...there.  But next week is Chris' episode and there's dogs and old people so we'll see!!

fandom: glee, picspam

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