I have lived in Japan for about 11 months now... I bought an iPad but LiveJournal isn't any better. I guess the theme and scripts should be updated to appeal to more masses. But I think the appeal of LJ is that it, at one point, was so simplistic. I totally converted to tumblr but still use my LJ for the communities.
My mother still finds ways to add into conversation, “You’ll find the right man.” I have given up trying to explain that I don’t want a partner in life. I don’t mind my solitary story. My story is mine and mine alone. And it doesn’t make me depressed. What depresses me is how no one in my life acknowledges and accepts this.
It was so nice to know that my supervisor asked our center director if I, with the others at the front desk, could have a raise. I was happy to know it was approved!
But then I learned I was supposed to receive a raise last July... and somehow this slipped through the cracks...