Our new receptionist has been with us seven months and still has trouble answering the phone. She also didn't know what "control+z" does. She sings, poorly, while she works, and I want to be like that of the girl being smacked with a book by a coworker. I just need to find a heavy book.
That's just gross. Does your workplace have a policy? My last job had a scent free policy, it wasn't well enforced but it was there if someone got out of hand. Had to shut down girls doing their nails at their desks repeatedly.
I am tired of people showing their ignorance and being celebrated for it. No, it's not cute that you are a racist. No, it's not adorable you think a flag is more important than murder. No, it's not sweet that inclusion isn't even a word in your vocabulary. Wanting the world to be "colour blind" is just another way of saying "LOOK WHAT A GOOD PERSON I AM, NOW PLEASE STOP MAKING ME UNCOMFORTABLE."
Privilege isn't sexy.
It's not "being PC" when PoC ask to be treated EQUALLY, it's YOU being uncomfortable in losing your privilege.
Oh, and if you're going to use words, know what they mean at least by their definition. NO, PoC cannot be "racist", because that implies they have -power-. PoC CAN be prejudice, but more than likely, you're just knotted up that someone you don't like, based on the color of the skin, wants to be treated better than you're willing to.
Hahaha, I possibly know who you are and where part of this comes from. I have a friend who engages in this on purpose and thinks he's HI-larious. Every time he does something douchey he then does something awesome and I can't stay mad.
Yeah that one part is something I talked about with (you) recently, so I'm not so secret, I know, but it drives me 'round the bend. It's AMAZING how often ignorance and IGNORANCE go together.
(I have seen / heard he does amazing things for you, and I know he's not a bad person. I just don't understand why he's so sure in this. Or why anyone is - it's obviously something that bothers me quite a bit.)
It bothers me a great deal, too. This particular friend is basically just a shit disturber for fun. Now my Deep South family members are another story. One cousin thinks players should be fined or fired for taking a knee. My Mom thinks this is a "grey area." Like WTF, people.
I have this new coworker, who's supposed to take over some of my responsibilities as I'm transferring into a new team. However, instead of taking charge of the projects she's supposed to take charge of (due to her role/job title), she's delegating them to people on the team. She's cherry picking what is worthy of her time, while she treats everybody as her subjects. At the same time, she's trying to take away all my responsibilities because she doesn't want any other senior person on the team anymore.
Basically fine with me. BUT we're not telling my current client that I'm switching teams until the end of the year, so I'll have to be involved somehow - even though she's making clear she sees me as competition and wants me gone.
I have a friend, who I love very much, that makes really bad life choices. Not just "I don't agree" choices, but ones that can and do cause pain. Over and over and over. And I don't know what to do. I've tried to help, but my help was rebuked several times. I don't want to give my friend up but I can't watch them self destruct anymore.
Comments 35
Also, I don't get why people don't get that perfume doesn't cover cigarette smoke. Derp.
Privilege isn't sexy.
It's not "being PC" when PoC ask to be treated EQUALLY, it's YOU being uncomfortable in losing your privilege.
Oh, and if you're going to use words, know what they mean at least by their definition. NO, PoC cannot be "racist", because that implies they have -power-. PoC CAN be prejudice, but more than likely, you're just knotted up that someone you don't like, based on the color of the skin, wants to be treated better than you're willing to.
(I have seen / heard he does amazing things for you, and I know he's not a bad person. I just don't understand why he's so sure in this. Or why anyone is - it's obviously something that bothers me quite a bit.)
Basically fine with me. BUT we're not telling my current client that I'm switching teams until the end of the year, so I'll have to be involved somehow - even though she's making clear she sees me as competition and wants me gone.
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