Sep 20, 2016 10:48
Nostalgic, very bitchy... it's funny how similar those two are.
I was just thinking of LJ yesterday, and how social media has changed. Not just in its mediums, but the wank and bullshit that goes with. (Remember that weirdo Stacy I used to call out for her misogyny in the Criminal Minds fandom? That came up, and man, she was woman-hating nutter, and I doubt that's changed; a part of me really hopes she's crushed over all the CM news lately. [Do people still watch it?]) Then we talked about the fake deaths (there was a community for that!) and lipgloss, and the fact people used to like Cassie Claire, and that Cleo's M15M were fantastic.
But I DO miss LJ. (And ohgod, JF. Fandom Wank, please come back. The Way Back Machine isn't as fun.) And as I'm cranky today and just over the bullshit of stupid people, I missed the anon hate memes, lol. (Like I said I now just gossip with friends while NOT being anon, like a reasonable adult.) That it's an election year isn't helping. (I really am trying to be an adult, but if you like Trump, please fuck off somewhere not near me.)
Then another friend had a better point (opposite of my "GFDI I HATE YOU AND AM GOING TO TELL YOU WHY YOU'RE A MORON" point): sometimes, one just needs to rant, no matter what the subject, without inviting pity, remarks, comments, or anything.
So taking the hate out of it (like a semi-reasonable adult), this is now the "rant-a-thon" post. Anon, if you want, rant away about the things/people bothering you. (Note: racism, sexism, hatred, and willful ignorance will be deleted, because if you're a Deplorable, why are you even here?) as will comments with personal information, including names.
Going to keep this post up for the foreseeable future; it'll probably take a while for it to even be seen, lol.