Drabble-Series: Intel, Chase, Reprieve

Feb 27, 2009 21:30

As always, for zeitheist  - co-pilot, friend, Andy to my Ash. For all of you watching our little community: Thank you for sticking around!

Drabble-series: Supernatural - anywhere_road  - Andy/Ash - PG


The bar is busy; 80s soft rock in the stereo, surfaces scarred with condensation rings. This is where people escape their lives by pretending to have one.

Ash flips his cell open, checking for messages before ordering another drink. He’s going to have to cut himself off after this.

An old man turns to him with watery eyes. “Waiting for someone?” he asks.

Ash’s fingers close around his phone at their own volition.

The man snorts. “You’ve been stood up, son.”

There’s a shrill beep. Got it, the text says.

Ash smirks, getting up. A job’s waiting. So is Andy.


The city breathes like a hungry animal, its terrible heart beating wetly in the night.

Ash eases around the corner, gun in one hand, book in the other.


“It’s raining.” Andy’s whine is a quiet breath against his bare neck.

“I know.”

They walk into the alley, shoulder to shoulder. The only illumination comes from the tracker in Andy’s hand.

“Are you sure it’s working?” Ash hisses.

Andy glances around, shaking the meter. “It should be right-”

Something large and black slithers down the fire-escape, like an oil spill spreading fast.

“Duck!” Ash shouts, his gun already cocked.


Ash turns off the radio, preferring the steady rhythm of the wheels on asphalt.

The van takes a long time to warm up. They’re twenty miles outside the city limits before Ash feels his muscles start to relax, the gash in his thigh throbbing dully.

Andy is asleep, knocked out by the pain killers Ash made him take. His hands, curled loosely in their fingerless gloves, look like fallen birds.

The gap between streetlights is growing longer and longer. Soon it’s just them; Andy and him and the open road.

In the distance, the dawn is breaking, paper-thin and beautiful. 
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