[xxxholic Parody] Insanity as a Selling Point

Mar 29, 2010 20:38

I wrote it because sometimes, we need to laugh at the things we love. ^^U

Now if you feel up to it, get your crack goggles on, and dig in!

(For all those who think this looks familiar, yes, it’s the same one I posted on my journal a while back, but it’s longer, not f-locked and has been seen by the keen eyes of my betas , who are most ( Read more... )

fic, xxxholic

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Comments 43

smokexscribbles March 30 2010, 00:18:44 UTC
I was totally reading it going "I've seen this before." And then I went up and read the author's note, lol~ It's still funny.


anyjen March 30 2010, 00:39:08 UTC
Naughty reader, skipping the author's notes. *tsk tsk*

Glad you still like it. I've probably never written anything as stupid as this. XD


pspgm March 30 2010, 00:19:51 UTC
Meet Duhmeki. When they were handing out personalities, he was busy raiding the kitchen.

I LAUGHED FOREVER. Thank you for this. XD

also: Saint Seiya parody say what~?


anyjen March 30 2010, 00:29:40 UTC
Thank you for giving it a chance and reading it!

Saint Seiya was HUGE in Latin America and Spain in the 90's, though I'm not sure if it was ever broadcasted in English-speaking countries. It was called "Calleros del Zodíaco" ("Zodiac Knights") over here, and the Latin American edition of the MAD magazine published a short parody, called "Caballeros del Zobaco" ("Armpit Knights"). It was a thoroughly cruel and absolutely hilarious look at a show that shaped part of my childhood and teenage years, so of course I couldn't resist the temptation to do the same thing to xxxholic now that it's been part of my twenties since the start.


pspgm March 30 2010, 17:47:31 UTC
It's truth - however much I love xxxholic, I can't deny that it makes no sense. Better to laugh and love it than look for sanity, say I.

I love Saint Seiya dearly - I'm a more recent convert, since the recent redoing of the English dub (which was terrific btw), being both too young and too English-speaking to have enjoyed it when it was huge in Latin America. I wish I spoke enough Spanish to read the parody-- that show is completely wonderful and amazingly easy to tear apart. |D


anyjen March 30 2010, 22:29:55 UTC
*looks at your icon* Ah! Nachi! I always said that the "other" bronze saints didn't get enough love... some of them had the potential to be awesome characters... (not Hydra Ichi, though. He gave me the creeps. ^^U)

I personally rather liked Nachi. He just had very rotten luck to be faced with Ikki in his very first fight... *pats pats*

(I honestly learned all the names and "titles" of all the characters that ever showed up in the old series, and can still recall most of them... it's only the ones in the Hades saga that I never learned because it hadn't been animated yet and I didn't have access to the manga)

I wish I spoke enough Spanish to read the parodyI don't have it anymore and I honestly don't think I can get it back, but I still remember many of the jokes ( ... )


kashuneko March 30 2010, 01:00:46 UTC
I made my husband doubt my sanity with how hard I was laughing at this.


anyjen March 30 2010, 01:09:33 UTC
Well, don't say I didn't warn you! XD

Thanks for reading!


ekaterin24 March 30 2010, 01:05:10 UTC
This was fun! Yes, it's about what anyone stumbling over the anime or a random point in the manga would think. I particularly love your description of Duhmeki ("when they were handing out personalities, he was busy raiding the kitchen") and Yuuko "she isn't a stranger to modesty; they are actually sworn enemies.")

Insanity is, of course, one of the major selling points of the series and one reason I love it so.


anyjen March 30 2010, 01:14:47 UTC
Glad you liked it. It was fun to step back from it and think about all those things that would puzzle somebody who was totally new to it.

Thanks for reading!


verito_s March 30 2010, 02:11:18 UTC
xD this was so good!!
yeah... I was specting p0rn with that tittle!!
I'm still expecting my shonen-ai, dammit!!
:D loved it!


anyjen March 30 2010, 02:16:43 UTC
I'm glad you liked it!

That title fooled every one of us, I'm sure (Yuuko's cleavage didn't help). False advertisement indeed. XD

Thanks for reading!


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