[Fic] A Taste of Normality

May 22, 2009 23:18

Title: A Taste of Normality
Genre: Humour / Romance
Pairing: Watanuki/Doumeki
Rating: PG13 / T
Notes: Takes place a few months after “ Dreams and Realities”, though you could probably read it as a stand-alone, too. For this particular story, I'll have to give my eternal love and praise to my lovely betas, Beboots and Product Of A Sick Society, ( Read more... )

fic, xxxholic

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Comments 24

anonymous May 23 2009, 11:39:07 UTC
Another grunt, which Watanuki didn’t bother trying to translate this time around. It was encouraging the efforts Doumeki seemed to be putting into communication since they started being just-friends-damnit!, but sometimes Watanuki got tired of trying to decipher what he actually meant by what he said. Learning a foreign language was always hard.

This paragraph FTW.


anyjen May 23 2009, 11:49:53 UTC
I'm happy you liked it. :)

Thanks for reading!


(The comment has been removed)

anyjen May 23 2009, 22:11:10 UTC
I was trying to show some evolution, but it was hard to keep the change gradual and believable. Some change in their interaction was to be expected, but it was hard to find the right "place" for them to be.

I'm really happy you liked it so much, I wasn't sure I even liked it after all those times I'd re-read and re-written it. ^^U

Thanks for reading, and for all the love! :3


bunnymaccool May 31 2009, 18:20:22 UTC
*__________________* <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

that was wonderful!!! the banter between them (especially about Watanuki's title of 'girlfriend') had me laughing out loud. the whole story really managed to portray that yummy lazy-day feeling... which i really liked. and mmmmm... Doumeki pillow... what i wouldn't give for a Doumeki pillow!! *___*

I'm so pleased you posted this... even if it gave you a lot of problems during 'childbirth' ... it's a really lovely read.

<3 <3 <3


anyjen May 31 2009, 19:31:49 UTC
You've resurfaced! I've missed you! *glomps*

I'm really happy you liked this. I wanted to show them as a silly, normal teenage couple for once... they have too much excitement in their lives as it is, they deserve a bit of normality.

The Doumeki pillow would probably be a bit hard and lumpy, and too long to fit in the bed properly, but heck, it'd sell faster than you can blink. XD


bundamba October 5 2009, 03:24:27 UTC
Ok, so I read this when you first posted it, and truthfully I have read it several times since then. But since I am appallingly bad at commenting, I'll take the time now to do it lol.
I do love the way Doumeki & Watanuki are always in character within your fics, which is one of the main reasons I love your work.
Their interaction is wonderfully canon and your imagery makes me see in my minds eye exactly what's going on XD

My complaints will always be that it's too short, but I am a multi chapter sort of girl.
having said that I am going to contradict myself and say: that is was a good length and I enjoyed it very much. again


anyjen October 5 2009, 03:36:30 UTC
I put a lot of weight into characterization, so it means a lot to me that you think I manage it well. It's one of the hardest things for me, to get inside a character's head ans see the world the way they see it... what woudl they focus on? what makes them angry? What makes them sad? what kind of words would they use to describe something?

Sometimes it's a nightmare (like in this story), and sometimes it comes easy to me (like in "The Woollen Monstrosity"), but you can bet it's one of the things that take the longest in the editing process.

About the imagery, I must confess that a great part of it is due to my beta readers. They keep reminding me to describe more stuff. Chapter four of "Dreams and Realities" was a heck of a lot more bare of descriptions in its initial version. ^^U

Thanks for reading, and for commenting! It makes me very happy that you liked my stuff enough to re-read it so many times. :3


The Comment from the Black Lagoon well_ladeedah March 3 2010, 19:51:44 UTC
I am now about to quote the hell out of this fic in an effort to both express and placate my unadulterated joy at its existence.

The guy's strength may have resided primarily on his upper body, but he still managed to lock his legs around Watanuki's waist with a grip a clamp would have been proud of... HAHAHA I SEE WHAT U DID THAR. OH CLAMP, SEE WHAT YOUR BOYS ARE DOING? Sheer poetry, I say.

And then these two paragraphs:
Doumeki grunted in what could have been agreement or a "shut up and let me read." Watanuki was getting better at understanding Doumeki Speech (a local dialect of the more universally known Moron language), but he hadn't been able to get all the nuances yet.
Another grunt, which Watanuki didn't bother trying to translate this time around. It was encouraging the efforts Doumeki seemed to be putting into communication since they started being just-friends-damnit!, but sometimes Watanuki got tired of trying to decipher what he actually meant by what he said. Learning a foreign language was always hard. AWWWW ( ... )


Re: The Comment from the Black Lagoon anyjen March 3 2010, 20:15:22 UTC
Yay! I managed to render you nearly incoherent!! XD

Honestly, "Domestic" is what I was aiming for. These boys spend too much of their time chasing (or being chased by) supernatural things; I figure they'd go for a bit of normality in their free time.

I must admit, I really had to struggle to show them as a normal couple, doing normal couple things... just hanging around together, exchanging playful banter, and why not, wrestling (ok, that was more me offering a bit of fanservice, but who is complaining? XD). They are teenagers, after all (at least at this point in time, which is firmly AU now, but who cares), and every teenager has the right to be lazy and stupid and happy with their girlfriend significant other from time to time.

And yeah, I totally used the "clamp" word deliberately in that sentence. They would be proud of Doumeki making such clever use of his legs, wouldn't they? XD


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