[Fic] A Taste of Normality

May 22, 2009 23:18

Title: A Taste of Normality
Genre: Humour / Romance
Pairing: Watanuki/Doumeki
Rating: PG13 / T
Notes: Takes place a few months after “ Dreams and Realities”, though you could probably read it as a stand-alone, too. For this particular story, I'll have to give my eternal love and praise to my lovely betas, Beboots and Product Of A Sick Society, ( Read more... )

fic, xxxholic

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Comments 24

dicks May 23 2009, 04:54:16 UTC
I love everything about this fic, especially how those two interacting. And... hahaha! Doumeki being a demanding bottom is a total win!

Brilliant as usual! I don't think your Doumeki is ooc at all.


anyjen May 23 2009, 11:33:58 UTC
Yay! I'm happy you liked it. To tell you the truth, I've re-read and re-written this so many times that I can't tell what is good and what is rubbish any longer...

Doumeki being a demanding bottom is the only way I can see him, but maybe it's because that's his attitude towards food ("Feed me!"). ;)

Oh, goody. It came to a point where I didn't know what else to change to make in-character. ^^U

Thanks for reading!


robinaker May 23 2009, 05:44:27 UTC
LOL! "Male wife" XD That part had me choking on my drink.

And the end just made me go "AWWWW~!" Out loud, too. Which is a risk considering it's past midnight. ^_^;;

I don't think they were too out of character. Anyway, they were believable enough that my fangirly giggles kicked in. Darn those...they always make me look like a nasty perv at the worst moments... >_>

Good job, anyway :3


anyjen May 23 2009, 11:41:52 UTC
Watanuki should have known better than to argue semantics with Doumeki...

The end is what convinced me that it was worth trying to fix this story instead of sticking it in the "shall never see the light of day" folder. that's one part that barely saw any changes since its first version. :)

Ah, the fangirly giggles... yeah, I know what you mean. I'm happy I was able to pull such reactions out of you. :3

Thanks for reading, and for telling me what you thought of it! I honestly couldn't tell what was good and what was bad any longer.


popkin16 May 23 2009, 06:06:09 UTC
You posted it, yaaay! I think you wrote them as well as you always do. The Doumeki you wrote in this fic is far from a chatterbox, so I wouldn't worry about it. And I'm sure he can be wordy if the occasion calls for it. It's probably just difficult (and pointless) to get a word in edgewise when Watanuki's on one of his rants.

♥ This really is awesome, thanks for sharing!


anyjen May 23 2009, 11:45:48 UTC
Yeah, I did. I got a sudden strike of inspiration a couple of weeks back and I fixed the worst of it in one go. A visit to my betas later and I felt that this might finally be good enough for the general public... that, and I honestly was about to scream if I had to change it one more time. ^^U

So there finally is some Doumeki under the Doumeki skin? It was about time... if I were to show you the first version of this fic, you would otice just how much I had to change him to make him in-character. ^^U

Thanks for reading, and for the review love! :3


popkin16 May 28 2009, 02:58:57 UTC
I don't usually edit my stories as much as you seem to (probably why yours are much better than mine), but I have read "The Great Defeat" so many times that it no longer seems funny to me. So I sort of get what you mean.

I think Doumeki can be perfectly chatty about certain things. It's not as if he never speak more than four words at a time. Hasn't he given long (long for him, anyway) explanations relating to his grandfather? You wrote him wonderfully, at any rate.

You're very welcome! Haha, I enjoy leaving you reviews :)


anyjen May 28 2009, 03:13:44 UTC
I'm never satisfied with the first draft of my stories. Even when my betas five me the ok, I always end up changing things before posting it... and quite often, after it's posted, too. It may be something as simple as a couple of words or a full paragraph deleted or added, but I always change things at the last moment.
This isn't necessarily a good thing. It's one of the main reasons it takes so long for me to upload a new story. ^^U

Yeah, at times he can be somewhat wordy, as long as he isn't angry. The angrier he gets, the less he speaks. He doesn't seem to be so good at controlling his feelings... the very few that he experiences. XD

I love that icon, btw. I can't help but think it's illustrating the kiss in this story, since they're both kind of smiling, and the pose fits, too... X3


herm_nefer May 23 2009, 06:11:29 UTC
i think you did a good job. They are in character and you expressed what their relationship has evolved into rather well.

All the titled Watanuki got made me laugh, in all it was a great read.


anyjen May 23 2009, 11:37:48 UTC
I'm happy you liked it. I honestly couldn't tell what was good and what was rubbish any more. I feared that I kept changing things I might eventually ruin the story.

Well, Watanuki was arguing semantics, so Doumeki thought he might be helpful and provide some gender-appropriate titles. ;D

Thanks for reading!


sayuri2023 May 23 2009, 07:40:15 UTC
This fic was perfect. And you've done it keeping them well in character. Overall it was simply brilliant.
Thank you for sharing this!


anyjen May 23 2009, 11:48:39 UTC
Yay! I'm happy you liked it. I'm relieved you think it's in-character; it honestly wasn't in the first (and second) version.

Thanks for reading! :)


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