Так эта как раз тех времен и есть. Ты ходила по ссылке на АДЖИП? Она тоже постройки 39-го года, самый Дучевский расцвет - а как выглядит. В ней все городские торжества проводят теперь.
Could you explain a bit about this place in English for me please? my translator program is not making sense of the facts and details!
Where and what is this place? my translator says it was going to be a Childrens institution?!
It looks like a place that Michael Palin visited on one of his BBC travel programmes. That place was built around 1930's for soldiers to take a holiday and was then never compleated.
Comments 33
Сразу думается о том, как хрупка так называемая цивилизация.
Вот стряхнуть людей с уставшей земли - и уже скоро везде будут такие заросли.
У нас на побережьe сохранились колонии ещё со времён Муссолини, они, пожалуй, выглядят получше чем эта!
Could you explain a bit about this place in English for me please? my translator program is not making sense of the facts and details!
Where and what is this place? my translator says it was going to be a Childrens institution?!
It looks like a place that Michael Palin visited on one of his BBC travel programmes. That place was built around 1930's for soldiers to take a holiday and was then never compleated.
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