And then I wrote some crack.

Dec 22, 2012 21:44

So, this was one of my promptathon ideas - Clint Barton ends up shopping in Lush store. (It's an experience everyone should try at least once ( Read more... )

fic babble, fic

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Comments 36

ashen_key December 22 2012, 20:52:09 UTC

Thinky-thoughts first:

I honestly think its fine as a one-shot silly thing (says the woman who wrote the avengers as puppies....); any longer, and the joke would probably break (although, if you wanted longer, Natasha's reaction would be amusing - with or without the massage with nicely smelling things to make sore muscles not hurt. She could just have a long training session and be stiff and sore). As it's, it's very cute and funny and I am giggling at the computer screen, and I love, love, love the interaction of Hill and Barton at the end (although, for narration, it should be 'Hill' not Maria - she outranks him, they are in professional setting; if Coulson is Coulson, then Maria should be Hill).


*draws hearts around*


anuna_81 December 22 2012, 21:02:42 UTC
Yay! Noted! Will go fix it. You're right.

Yep, it should be a one shot (that is one chaptered thing, right?). This is, I suppose, sometime pre-avengers. I'd like to see Clint sending Steve to get something out of that store and ending up as a chick magnet because he smelled nice. :D Nat can get a back rub, and Clint can get a bath (with Natasha) after the movie and Loki and everything. because he likes baths. And Natasha knows that.

Also, what I think is happening in the background of my brain is the attempt to turn this into "how they got together" kind of story, of a lighter variety. Hmmmm. *thinks*


ashen_key December 22 2012, 21:09:49 UTC
I tend to assume that SHIELD is a very surname type work place, like a police department or military or whatnot (so, Coulson's Natasha in Avengers says a lot about the depth of their friendship), which helps a bit.

Yep, one shot is a one chaptered thing! I heart them.

And yeah, I got pre-Avengers vibe from it. Thinking more - I think you can expand it easily (and keeping the light-hearted nature of it without going lol Clint smells pretty, or lol all women like Lush) if you run with different aspects. So, not all the agents notice or care about the way Clint smells, but he can participate in discussion (either about things, or to help Chandra in R&D get something for her sister, etc), or massage Nat. And ahah, I like the idea with Steve! :D And yesssss, I like the idea of a bath.

Oooh *nodnodnodnods* that'd be sweet. Get together pre-Avengers to keep the lighthearted, and then, say, bath after canon as them being 'we are alive and having fun and not thinking about dark things' thing? Or. IDK?


anuna_81 December 22 2012, 21:37:42 UTC
Oh yeah, not everyone cares about soaps. But it's hilarious to see how many people do. Or maybe not only soaps, Lush has other stuff too, and their products make good presents as well. I think there's lots of hilarity potential in there. Like, they all buy Fury some sort of sparkly bubble bath for (what they think is) his birthday. Or something. Lush things aren't advertised anywhere, it's mostly people telling other people "this stuff is so good". So... Clint tells Hill and Coulson, they tell someone else, and so it spreads.

R&D? It's short for ...?

Yup! Post movie bath with Clint's favorite scent because that's familiar and feels good, and yes, it's fun too. He needs that after Loki.


icecream_junkie December 22 2012, 21:51:22 UTC
Damn... now I want to open one of my Christmas presents early, because I know there's a Lush product in it. ;)

I really like the idea of Nat trying to play a prank on Clint, but him managing to turn things around so she ends up being annoyed by it which leads to... um... arguing followed by making up. Of cause the arguing part is open for discussion. :D


anuna_81 December 22 2012, 22:33:18 UTC
I admire your restraint!!! I would open that present yesterday! *G*

Well, maybe not outright argument, maybe she's just annoyed because her prank didn't work out like she planned. :D


icecream_junkie December 23 2012, 10:36:53 UTC
Oh well... disappointment, arguing.... it doesn't matter as long as it ends with them making up for something. I'm easy like that. ;)

And I can totally see Clint using Lush without being embarrassed about it. I also see Tony teasing him about it - until he sees that it scores Clint points with the ladies. *g*

Oh and thank you very much for posting the link to the lush website. I now know that there’s a store not that far away and thus will end up spending a lot of money on that stuff. *headdesk*


anuna_81 December 23 2012, 18:20:51 UTC
Tony would be all "what is that?" at various Lush stuff, and tease Clint about it until he discovers Lemony Flutter hand cream and few other skin care products. Then he can take over from Clint and become Lush mascot among Avengers.

I think Clint would be all like "I am cool, so naturally everything I use is cool" and "you won't laugh when you try it".

haha, you're welcome! I spend tons of my money there, and I can tell you, it's not just nice smelling stuff. The products are quality stuff - my skin has improved a lot since I started using their moistruizer (Cosmetic Lad - actually made for boys, but awesome to my mixed skin), bunch of their fresh masks, hair products.... husband has their shaving cream and it's so so good for him. I rec it all, highly. Once you find the stuff that's good for you, no need to look further. :)


chrisfaithalin December 23 2012, 07:10:49 UTC
Oh my goodness this made me giggle like a little girl. It's so silly, but somehow it still works. And Clint's reaction is exactly like me when going into one of those places...hesitant but then all of a sudden walking out with 10 products I didn't know I needed. The final scene is hilarious. I love that Clint just holds his head up high about it. I loved this.


anuna_81 December 23 2012, 18:26:47 UTC
I can't help it but imagine Clint as a curious person. With a healthy dose of caution, of course, but soap can't hurt you. I figured this is a situation where he can be really curious and just try things out (heck, if my husband gets all excited and curious and walks around the store sniffing stuff! Clint can as well). And then he becomes a great fan of it all because it's so good. I think he likes the relaxing stuff the best, and it's always nice to smell good.

More hilarity to come. *nods*


franztastisch December 23 2012, 10:23:16 UTC
Oh my God, that was hilarious.

(thouhg I have to say, I find Lush terrifying)


anuna_81 December 23 2012, 18:29:13 UTC
Thank you! And I understand how it can be terrifying - is it the sheer amount of everything, or you don't like the smells? Or something else? (oh poor Steve - he is going to be lost and confused once Clint sends him there.)


franztastisch December 23 2012, 18:42:45 UTC
Haha well the smell can be overpowering but mostly I'm ARGH COSMETICS WHAT? and the I'm confused as to what is wrong with regualr Dove soap and why anyone would need anything more/other than that.

My sister has come home for Christmas and now there is bathroom stuff in the bathroom. What is this?

(tl;dr I am strange/lazy when it comes to that kind of stuff. :P)


anuna_81 December 23 2012, 18:52:59 UTC
Ah, well I am a huge fan of Lush for several reasons. First, their stuff is just better as in superior quality (really superior quality - when I use a shower gel from a regular store now, my skin protests), than anything you can find in most stores (organic ingredients, also, everything they use for their soaps and products is fresh, they buy the stuff they use from people who grow/produce those things. They're against animal testing, they're extremely environment aware and friendly, and overall awesome. Check out their about us.

Lush soaps? Depending what you like (refreshing or creamy?) try either Sea Vegetable (for refreshing) or Honey I Washed The Kids (which is wonderfully creamy and made with honey) and .... all other soaps will just fade in comparison. All of my bathroom stuff comes from them - shampoo, hair conditioner, soap, skincare stuff, all of it. It's just better and it lasts longer than regular stuff too. *nods* Also, they have products for different skin and hair types and just... perfect stuff. Seriously.


crazy4orcas December 23 2012, 20:27:06 UTC

This was great! And so many different directions you can go! I'm a fan of him sharing his finds with Natasha and they do some private product testing *wink, wink*

And I'm totally going to checkout the website, winter is being brutal to my skin and I need some heavy duty moisturizer.


anuna_81 December 23 2012, 20:29:23 UTC
Wheee, awesome! (What's your skin type? Maybe I can help with your choice? Do you need it for your face? *G*)

Also, private product testing sounds awesome.

Also, here's what happens whn few agents give Fury a Lush birthday present.


crazy4orcas December 23 2012, 21:06:13 UTC
I mainly need a good body moisturizer, something that works really good on dry feet too. But I've also been looking for a better facial wash and moisturizer for combination skin. I don't mind scented stuff, but nothing too strong, just something that smells fresh and clean, maybe a little flowery or a little spicy.

I bet the next time Clint's near Fury, he tries to catch a whiff to see if Fury's using his new cream!

Lush might need to give you a finder's fee!


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